Reverse 的指令是用一个新的 Commit,来撤回你已经push过的 那一条Commit的内容, 所以会增加一条Commit。 在SourceTree中,如果想撤掉已经commit的code,可以右击选Reverse commit.(撤掉那条commit提交的内容,同时,新建了一个commit。 备注:这里和reset的区别是,如果需要撤掉的那条commit之后还有别人push的commit,那么使用...
The command above loads the previous commit message into an editor session, where you can make changes to the message, save those changes and exit. When you save and close the editor, the editor writes a new commit containing that updated commit message and makes it your new last commit. ...
Given one or more existing commits, revert the changes that the related patches introduce, and record some new commits that record them. This requires your working tree to be clean (no modifications from the HEAD commit). Note:git revertis used to record some new commits to reverse the effec...
Given one or more existing commits, revert the changes that the related patches introduce, and record some new commits that record them. This requires your working tree to be clean (no modifications from the HEAD commit). Note:git revertis used to record some new commits to reverse the effec...
Given one or more existing commits, revert the changes that the related patches introduce, and record some new commits that record them. This requires your working tree to be clean (no modifications from the HEAD commit). Note:git revertis used to record some new commits to reverse the effec...
Given one or more existing commits, revert the changes that the related patches introduce, and record some new commits that record them. This requires your working tree to be clean (no modifications from the HEAD commit). Note: git revert is used to record some new commits to reverse the ...
Given one or more existing commits, revert the changes that the related patches introduce, and record some new commits that record them. This requires your working tree to be clean (no modifications from the HEAD commit). Note:git revertis used to record some new commits to reverse the effec...
Reverse the commit If moving the branch pointers around isn’t going to work for you, Git gives you the option of making a new commit which undoes all the changes from an existing one. Git calls this operation a “revert”, and in this particular scenario, you’d invoke it like this:...
回滚项目中某个文件,比如reverse.h: // 查看该文件的 commit 历史git log 路径/reverse.h// 选择某一个 commit:d114be 强制覆盖本地文件git checkout d114be 路径/reverse.h// 提交回滚//git commit -m '回滚 reverse.h' 2.查看某个人的提交 ...
“git add”——不但是用来添加不在版本控制中的新文件,也用于添加已在版本控制中但是刚修改过的文件;在这两种情况下, Git都会获得当前文件的快照并且把内容暂存(stage)到索引中,为下一次commit做好准备。Git跟踪的是内容不是文件。 【bisect】 【branch】: ...