也就是:git restore a.c (5)用git status看一下状态 (6)最后看一下a.c中的内容 结论:git restore指令使得在工作空间但是不在暂存区的文件撤销更改(内容恢复到没修改之前的状态) 二:git restore --staged指令 (1)先用git status看下状态,再用cat a.c 看下a.c文件的内容 (2)vim a.c 打开文件修改文...
git restore --staged 将文件从暂存区撤回工作区git restore 将在工作区的文件撤销更改sps-5130@sps-5130 MINGW64 /d/code/gitrep (master) $ echo "Hello Git" >> hello.txt sps-5130@sps-5130 MINGW64 /d/code/gitrep (master) $ git status...
info (base) ➜ test01 (main) ✗ git status On branch main Changes to be committed: (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage) modified: index.html Untracked files: (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed) a.info b.info (base) ➜ test01 (...
git restore [<选项>] [--source=<树>] [--staged] [--worktree] --pathspec-from-file=<文件> [--pathspec-file-nul] git restore (-p|--patch) [<选项>] [--source=<树>] [--staged] [--worktree] [--] [<路径>…] 描述 从恢复源中恢复工作树中指定的路径的内容。如果路径被跟踪但在...
git restore --staged命令用于撤销暂存区(即索引区、stage区)中的文件改动。这意味着,如果你之前使用git add将文件的改动加入到了暂存区,但现在又希望撤销这个操作,使得这些改动不再被包含在下一次提交中,那么你可以使用git restore --staged命令。 确定需要撤销的提交内容: 在你的问题中,你希望撤销所有提交到暂存...
It is beyond the scope of this book to get into the details of multiple.gitignorefiles; seeman gitignorefor the details. Viewing Your Staged and Unstaged Changes If thegit statuscommand is too vague for you — you want to know exactly what you changed, not just which files were chang...
git-restore - Restore working tree files SYNOPSIS git restore[<options>] [--source=<tree>] [--staged] [--worktree] [--] <pathspec>…git restore[<options>] [--source=<tree>] [--staged] [--worktree] --pathspec-from-file=<file> [--pathspec-file-nul]git restore(-p|--patch) ...
$ git restore --staged index.html You can of course also remove multiple files at once from the Staging Area: $ git restore --staged *.css If you want to discard uncommitted local changes in a file, simply omit the--stagedflag. Keep in mind, however, that you cannot undo this!
9.restore // 把所有放到暂存区的文件从暂存区移除git restore--staged.// 把加入git管理并放入暂存区的README、README2从暂存区移除 README文件路径为:v1/v2/README2git restore--staged README v1// 把工作区的修改重置 同:git checkout -- READMEgit restore README ...
git restore --staged . git restore . Again, if the files aren’t staged you only need to run git restore .. If you need to revert a bunch of files in a specific directory but you don’t want to operate on every file you can run git restore --staged mydir/. Basically you can...