Reset a specific commit 在提交级别上,重置是一种将分支尖端移动到另一个提交的方法。这可以用来从当前分支中移除提交。例如,以下命令将hotfix分支向后移动两次提交。 git checkout hotfix git reset HEAD~2 hotfix末尾的两次提交现在处于未决状态,或者是孤立的提交。这意味着它们将在下次 Git 执行垃圾回收时被删除...
You can also think ofgit revertas a tool for undoingcommittedchanges, whilegit reset HEADis for undoinguncommittedchanges. Likegit checkout,git reverthas the potential to overwrite files in the working directory, so it will ask you to commit orstash changesthat would be lost during the revert...
如果文件已经提交,但尚未 push 到远程,则git reset<commit> 即可(这个commit 之后所做的修改都保留在工作区,即默认 --soft。回滚到上次就是git reset HEAD^),git reset --hard <commit> 则直接放弃所做修改(慎重)。 问题:Git cannot add a completely empty directory Git 不支持加一个空目录,原因是 Git 处...
Theresetcommand resets the HEAD, index and worktree to the specified revision. It is similar to anexec git reset --hard , but refuses to overwrite untracked files. If theresetcommand fails, it is rescheduled immediately, with a helpful message how to edit the todo list (this typically ...
This can be used to avoid coloring specific elements without disabling color entirely. For git’s pre-defined color slots, the attributes are meant to be reset at the beginning of each item in the colored output. So setting color.decorate.branch to black will paint that branch name in a ...
The working directory is reset to match the last committed state (HEAD). Staged changes and modified tracked files are removed. If there are existing stashes, the new stash is added to the stack, and older stashes are recorded in the reference log. Thereflogkeeps a history of updates to ...
reset.c reset.h resolve-undo.c resolve-undo.h revision.c revision.h run-command.c run-command.h sane-ctype.h scalar.c send-pack.c send-pack.h sequencer.c sequencer.h serve.c serve.h server-info.c server-info.h setup.c setup.h sh-i18n--envsubst.c ...
#查看指定状态的文件 git ls-files [-z] [-t] [-v] (--[cached|deleted|others|ignored|stage|unmerged|killed|modified])* (-[c|d|o|i|s|u|k|m])* 示例: 4.3.10、撤销更新 1)、撤销暂存区更新 使用"git add"把更新提交到了暂存区。这时"git status"的输出中提示我们可以通过"git reset HEAD...
git reset HEAD: unstage files from index and reset pointer to HEAD 这个命令用来把不小心add进去的文件从staged状态取出来,可以单独针对某一个文件操作: git reset HEAD - - filename, 这个- - 也可以不加. git reset --soft move HEAD to specific commit reference, index and staging are untouched. ...
Git Reset Soft in GitKraken Client Selecting the option ofSoft - keep all changesin GitKraken Client will preserve all the changes that had been made between where HEAD is pointing and the selected commit as staged files. “This is one of those situations where a Git client shines. Using @...