在windows下安装Git并用GitHub同步 准备环境: 1,注册github账户 2,下载安装git(下载地址:https://git-scm.com/download/win) 注释: git是什么? git是版本管理工具,当然也是分布式的管理系统 git是Torvalds据说用了2周的时间用C开发的,就是那个Linux的开发者 git是在本地使用的版本管理工具,git使用repository仓库...
1.版本库又称仓库 版本库或者是仓库,英文名Repository,其实啊说白了就是一个目录而且,这个目录中的所以文件都被git管理而且,不管你做什么操作都会被记录,包括:增加、删除、修改文件等,都会被记录下来,以便后来跟踪与修改相关记录,甚至被还原。好了,下面我们就在我们客户端(我这里演示的是Windows客户端,其它客户端操...
打开Pycharm或者 IDEA工具,在“Check out from Version Control”中选择“Git”,然后在“Git Repository URL”中输入GitLab上的SSH Key链接;在“Parent Directory”输入Clone项目到本地的存放路径;然后在“Directory Name”中输入项目的名称,点击【Clone】按钮,就会将GitLab仓库导入到本地。 每一个Git克隆都是一个完...
Git CMD(command line prompt) is the command-line interpreter on Windows operating systems. Sort of an equivalent to the terminal in Linux. GitHub: a web-based Git or version control repository and internet hosting service. It offers all the distributed version control and source code management ...
This is E.S.R.Labs Repo - just like Google Repo but this one also runs under Microsoft Windows. For more information, seeVersion Control with Repo and Git. Repo is a repository management tool that Google built on top of Git. Repo unifies many Git repositories when necessary, does the ...
第一步:下载(https://git-for-windows.github.io/),下载好如下图 image 第二步:安装过程,此处省略,要想安装可以点击下面链接 【Git的安装步骤博文http://www.cnblogs.com/wj-1314/p/7993819.html】 第三步:配置 Git跟踪谁修改了项目,哪怕参与项目开发的只有一个人。为此,Git需要知道你的用户名和电子邮件...
When youclonean existing Git repository orput an existing project under Git version control, WebStorm automatically detects if Git is installed on your computer. If the IDE can't locate a Git executable, it suggests downloading it. WebStorm supports Git from the Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 ...
This article describes the steps to set up a Git repository on your local machine, with the intent to contribute to Microsoft documentation. Contributors may use a locally cloned repository to add new articles, do major edits on existing articles, or change artwork.You...
You can amend a commit on the command line by using the following command:Bash Copy git commit --amend The Git Repository window makes it easy to update your most recent commit message. Open the commit details of the last commit by double-clicking it, and then select the Edit option ...
Repo for Microsoft Windows and Linux This is E.S.R.Labs Repo - just like Google Repo but this one also runs under Microsoft Windows. For more information, see Version Control with Repo and Git. Repo is a repository management tool that Google built on top of Git. Repo unifies many Git...