git clone时报错: [root@test01 test]git cloneroot@ fatal: repository ‘root@’ does not exist 解决如下: git clone ssh://git@ 增加了ssh端口号。
51CTO博客已为您找到关于repository 'git' does not exist的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及repository 'git' does not exist问答内容。更多repository 'git' does not exist相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和
fatal: 'origin' does not appear to be a git repository fatal: Could not read from remote repository. 是因为远程不存在origin这个仓库名称,可以使用如下操作方法,查看远程仓库名称以及路径相关信息,可以删除错误的远程仓库名称,重新添加新的远程仓库; git remote -v: 查看远程仓库详细信息,可以看到仓库名称 git...
想把本地的git库上传到github上。github已经新建了一个public仓库,利用网站的命令 git Bash报错:does not appear to be a git repository Could not read from remote respository 网上搜索了一下,说是github的公钥没有生成,但是网上搜索到的方法不能解决我的问题,去官网自己看,有生成公钥的方法 链接:https://hel...
Git Source Code Mirror - This is a publish-only repository but pull requests can be turned into patches to the mailing list via GitGitGadget ( Please follow Documentation/SubmittingPatches procedure for any of your improv
fatal: ‘’/testegit/aa2.git’’ does not appear to be a git repository fatal: Could not read from remote repository. The SSH is working fine. user@machine MINGW64 ~/Documents/work/AA/cicd/teste $ ssh localhost dir Shows the entire folder ...
使用指令:git pull --rebase origin master 把远程库中的更新合并到本地库中,–rebase的作用是取消掉本地库中刚刚的commit,并把他们接到更新后的版本库之中。 2.『Everything up-to-date』但是代码却并未提交: 这里的原因有大神已经说的很清楚啦
fatal: '/disk1/repositories/lostexin/test.git' does not appear to be a git repository // 我想 gitlab 应该已经初始化好了 git 仓库...但.. = = fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. // 用同样的方式...
Thrown when the requested Git repository does not exist, or the caller does not have permission to see its existence.Inheritance HierarchySystem.Object System.Exception System.ApplicationException Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Common.VssException Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TeamFoundationServerException Microsoft....
输入git clone 自己远程仓库时报 Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.错误,原因是git服务器没有存储本地ssh密钥。 解决步骤: 删除.ssh文件夹中的known_hosts文件,不删除会有问题; windows目录:C:\Users\(本地用户名)\.ssh ...