You can query/set/replace/unset options with this command. The name is actually the section and the key separated by a dot, and the value will be escaped. Multiple lines can be added to an option by using the --append option. If you want to update or unset an option which can occur...
Merging in Git is typically fairly easy. Since Git makes it easy to merge another branch multiple times, it means that you can have a very long lived branch but you can keep it up to date as you go, solving small conflicts often, rather than be surprised by one enormous conflict at th...
After merging two branches, Git updates the current branch to reflect the merge, but the target branch is not affected. That means you have to use thegit branch -dcommand to delete the obsolete target branch. For example, you may want tomerge a new feature branch into the master(main) b...
Note:See how tomerge the master branch into another branch. For instance, the following command merges themasterbranch with the current branch without committing the changes: git merge --no-commit --no-ff master After the merge, use Git visual tools likegitkorgit-guito visualize the difference...
git init --initial-branch=main 或者使用以下命令: Bash git init -b main 对于Git 的较早版本,请使用以下命令: Bash git init git checkout -b main 运行初始化命令后,应当会看到与以下示例类似的输出: 输出 Initialized empty Git repository in /home/<user>/Cats/.git/ Switched to a new branch 'ma...
git diff --diff-filter=ACMR --name-only master...my-branch This will print a list of added, changed, modified, and renamed files between master and my-branch. You can then run lint-staged against the same files with: npx lint-staged --diff="master...my-branch" Can...
Replace the two occurrences of "Feline" in index.html with "Furry." Then, save the file. If you used the built-in code editor by using the code command, you won't see anything unusual. But, if you happened to use another editor, including an editor called sed, the editor probably ...
apply replacement only to the specific property git.branch and replace '/' with '-' see also [issue 138](https://github.com/git-commit-id/maven-git-commit-id-plugin/issues/138) see also [issue 138](https://github.com/git-commit-id/git-commit-id-maven-plugin/issues/138) <...
git init -b main 使用git status显示工作树的状态: git status 输出 On branch main No commits yet nothing to commit (create/copy files and use "git add" to track) 使用ls -a 显示工作树的内容: ls-a 确认目录包含一个名为.git 的子目录。此文件夹为 Git 存储库——用于存储工作树的元数据和历...