However, the synchronization between local and remote tags isn’t always implicit. So, removing a local tag might not necessarily mean it’s deleted remotely. In this tutorial, we explore ways to synchronize and delete local and remote Git tags. First, we acquire remote repositories via differen...
refs/remotes/origin/b1 stale(use'git remote prune' to remove) Local branch configuredfor'git pull': master merges with remote master Local ref configuredfor'git push': master pushes to master(up to date) 这时候能够看到b1是stale的,使用git remote prune origin可以将其从本地版本库中去除。 更简...
git fetch origin tag<tagname> 参考文章
指令格式:git remote remove "要删除的远程仓库名" 删除远程仓库后,此时再用 git remote 查看远程仓库时,就不会有任何显示(只有一个库时)
remove git origin and remote repo tag Note to author:Add a more detailed description about this plugin here. If your plugin contains multiple actions, make sure to mention them here. Example if you have git repo like this: ~/Desktop/git_demo master pwd /Users/xiongzenghui/Desktop/git_demo...
(the current branch), nobranch (the color the no branch warning is shown in, defaulting to red), localBranch or remoteBranch (the local and remote branch names, respectively, when branch and tracking information is displayed in the status short-format), or unmerged (files which have unmerged...
git remote add 的名字应该怎么设置 git remove add,Git简单介绍Git是一个分布式版本控制软件,最初由LinusTorvalds创作,于2005年以GPL发布。最初目的是为更好地管理Linux内核开发而设计。Git工作流程以及各个区域Workspace:工作区Staging/Index:暂存区LocalRepository
本地仓库 (local repository) git 是分布式版本控制系统,和其他版本控制系统不同的是他可以完全去中心化工作,你可以不用和中央服务器 (remote server) 进行通信,在本地即可进行全部离线操作,包括 log,history,commit,diff 等等。完成离线操作最核心是因为 git 有一个几乎和远程一样的本地仓库,所有本地离线操作都可...
// 查看当前项目绑定的远程仓库地址git remote-v// 给当前项目添加远程仓库地址git remoteaddorigin<username>/<project-name>.git// 修改当前项目的远程仓库地址git remoteset-url origin<username>/<project-name>.git// 删除远程仓库git remoteremoveorigin// 重新设置了仓库后...
# clone仓库中指定tag: $ git clone -b v1.0.2git@ # 说明 # git clone-b <tags> <repository> # 同步origin仓库的对remote仓库分支追踪关系 # remote仓库删除分支,origin仓库还保留remote仓库删除前的分支追踪关系 ...