Say I start a project, and make a lot of commits now and then, finally the project is OK to init, but the commit history is unnecessary. GitDemo(master)$ git log--oneline51fd1e8(HEAD->master)Addfile030c4bbecAddfile028e4c178Addfile01---GitDemo(master)$ git checkout--orphan devSwitche...
# This is a combination of 2 commits.# This is the 1st commit message:add 标题:登鹳雀楼# This is the commit message #2:add 作者:王焕之# ... 修改如下: # This is a combination of 2 commits.# This is the 1st commit message:add 标题:登鹳雀楼 作者:王焕之# This is the commit message ...
# # If you remove a line here THAT COMMIT WILL BE LOST. # # However, if you remove everything, the rebase will be aborted. # # Note that empty commits are commented out 让我们进入第一个rebase场景。 场景2:向历史记录中的任意提交添加内容 就像在场景1中,我们忘记在提交中添加内容。但是,与...
Git是一种分布式版本控制系统,用于跟踪和管理软件开发项目的代码变更。Git历史记录是指项目中所有提交的代码变更记录。删除"old"项目的断开的Git历史记录可以通过以下步骤完成: 1. 首先,进入...
# If you remove a line here THAT COMMIT WILL BE LOST. # # However, if you remove everything, the rebase will be aborted. # # Note that empty commits are commented out 将要修改的 commit 的pick命令修改为reword并保存退出: pick 4e77435 first commit ...
To modify a commit that is farther back in your history, you must move to more complex tools. Git doesn’t have a modify-history tool, but you can use the rebase tool to rebase a series of commits onto the HEAD that they were originally based on instead of moving them to another one...
最常见的问题就是乱成一团的 git log history,那真的是老太太的裹脚布, 又臭又长, 个人极其不喜欢这种 log 造成这个问题的根本原因就是随意提交代码。 代码都提交了,那还有什么办法拯救吗?三个锦囊,就可以完美解决了 如果您正在学习Spring Cloud,推荐一个连载多年还在继续更新的免费教程:https://blog.didispace....
- --all 控制台输出,已经完成删除 WARNING...: git-filter-branch has a glut of gotchas generating mangled history rewrites...Hit Ctrl-C before proceeding to abort, then use an alternative filtering tool such as ‘git filter-repo...’ ( instead. ...
工作区(working diretory) 用于修改文件 缓存区(stage) 是用来暂时存放工作区中修改的内容 提交历史(commit history) 提交代码的历史记录 主要的几个命令 git add # 将工作区的修改提交到暂存区 git commit # 将暂存区的修改提交到当前分支 git reset # 回退到某一个版本 git stash # 保存某次修改 git pull ...
# Show the history of commits in the current branch git log # This starts a nice graphical view of the changes gitk --all 4.5. 更正提交的信息 - git amend 通过git amend命令,我们可以修改最后提交的的信息 上述的提交信息中存在错误,下面会修改这个错误 ...