如果要删除多个文件,可以一次性指定它们,用空格分隔,如: gitrmfile1.txt file2.txt file3.txt 3.提交更改 一旦您使用 git rm 命令删除了文件,接下来需要提交这一变更到 Git 仓库中。运行以下命令: gitcommit-m "Remove files from repository" 这将创建一个提交,包含文件的删除操作。 4.推送更改(如果有远程...
然后在本地分支上删除文件: git rm --cached path/to/file 这条命令会从暂存区(staging area)删除该文件,但不会从你的工作目录中删除它。因此,文件仍然保留在你的本地文件系统中。 提交更改: 提交删除文件的更改: git commit -m "Remove file from remote repository" 推送更改到远程仓库: 最后,将提交的更改...
“` git commit -m “Remove file from remote repository” “` 替换引号中的提交消息为适当的描述。 5. 最后,使用以下命令将更改推送到远程仓库: “` git push origin “` 替换``为所需分支的名称,通常为`master`。 这将删除文件的跟踪,并将更改同步到远程仓库。 请注意,这些操作将永久删除远程仓库中的文...
Whenever you are planning to delete or remove a file or multiple files from a git repository, then this command ie., git rm is used. Not only it deletes but also remove files from the staging index and the working directory. If you wish then it could also delete files from the filesy...
gitcommit -m"remove file from remote repository" git push 2、git 版本回滚: git reset --hard commitid //本地代码回到指定的commitid 或者使用: git reset --hard HEAD~1 1 代表上一个commit号,可以是n // git reset 只是将本地的仓库进行了回滚,远端并没有变化,需要push才能推到远程,此时push会提...
github上有官方的参考,地址:Removing sensitive data from a repository 实战也有,地址:Git从库中移除...
Remove files from git history Git++ - 仓库瘦身 git瘦身 寻找并删除Git记录中的大文件 为什么你的 Git 仓库变得如此臃肿 Maintaining a Git Repository Removing sensitive data from a repository 如何瘦身 Git 仓库 记一次删除Git记录中的大文件的过程
There are different ways to remove a file from a Git remote repository. Out of all the possible methods, it is easy to execute the "git rm" command. Users can quickly select the file name for deletion and can remove the file from the entire filesystem in one go. ...
3. 取消暂存多个文件 如果需要取消暂存多个文件,可以使用以下命令:git restore --staged <文件1> <...
I'm going to mark this as an enhancement because we don't really have the ability to "remove" the ignore file if you don't want to persist it in the repository. But a blank .gitignore file is functionally equivalent to having no gitignore file. ...