This command helps us remove a branch fromGit, i.e., a branch's reference and associated commits are deleted from the code repo or repository. However, the commit history is not deleted when a current branch is deleted, which is a crucial distinction. In this article, we will study the ...
$ git remote show origin * remote origin Fetch URL: Push URL: HEAD branch: master Remote branches: master tracked refs/remotes/origin/b1 stale (use 'git remote prune' to remove) Local branch configured for 'git pull': master merges...
使用命令git remote show origin,可以查看remote地址,远程分支,还有本地分支与之相对应关系等信息。 # git remote show origin * remote origin Fetch URL: git@*** Push URL: git@*** HEAD branch: master Remote branches: 2-android-tableview-resize tracked 20180131hotfix tracked master tracked mergeFrom080...
To see differences between your local branch and your remote-tracking branch, execute the “git diff” command.$ git diff <branch>..origin/<branch>If there are any differences between the branches, you will have to use the “-D” option to delete the branch locally....
git branch -d branch_name git branch -D branch_name The-doption (–delete) will remove your local branch if you have already pushed and merged it with the remote branch. The-Doption (–delete –force) will remove the local branch regardless of whether it’s been merged or not. ...
Next,delete or removethe old unused Git (local & remote) branch info. For this, you will have to delete it from the list shown by using the following command line interface remarks in theGit bashshell's terminal window: List all available local & remote branches→ git branch –a→ Delete...
First, I'd like to remove alllocal branchesexceptmaster: Have a check by: $ git branch|grep-v-E*master*optimize_by_regex optimize_map_store_method optimize_use_rect And yes, these are exactly the branches you want to remove, so: ...
git push origin HEAD --force[both the commands must be executed. For deleting from remote branch] Whats the branch ? Its the currently checked out branch. Edit 09/08/2015- Remove local gitmerge: I am onmasterbranch and mergedmasterbranch with a newly working branchphase2 ...
删除其中一个remote git remote remove <name> ### git分支重命名 # 重命名远程分支对应的本地分支 git branch -m oldName newName # 删除远程分支 git push --delete origin oldName # 上传新命名的本地分支 git push origin newName # 修改本地分支和远程分支的关联 git branch --set-upstream...
git remote add <remote_name> <remote_url>:添加一个新的远程仓库。指定一个远程仓库的名称和 URL,将其添加到当前仓库中。 git remote rename <old_name> <new_name>:将已配置的远程仓库重命名。 git remote remove <remote_name>:从当前仓库中删除指定的远程仓库。 git remote set-url <remote_name> <...