To beb839d...81f21f3 master -> master (forced update) 为了能从打了tag的版本中也删除你所指定的文件或文件夹,您可以使用这样的命令来强制推送您的Gittags: $ git push origin master --force --tags 步骤三:清理和回收空间 虽然上面我们已经删除了文件, ...
$ git push origin master --force --tags 步骤三: 清理和回收空间 虽然上面我们已经删除了文件, 但是我们的repo里面仍然保留了这些objects, 等待垃圾回收(GC), 所以我们要用命令彻底清除它, 并收回空间. 命令如下: $ rm -rf .git/refs/original/ $ git reflog expire --expire=now --all $ git gc --...
After creating a tag, it is important to push up the tags using thegit push --tagscommand so everyone can access them. The flag lets Git know to only send tags instead of sending everything else along with them, like commits (which can get messy). Finally, verify that all went well ...
git checkout (switch between different branches and tags) git checkout -b (create and switch branch in one command) git branch -d git log --oneline --decorate --graph --all (see all branches at once) git merge (combines changes on different branches) Handle Merge Conflicting Git命令是每...
$ git push origin master --force --tags 步骤三:清理和回收空间 虽然上面我们已经删除了文件, 但是我们的repo里面仍然保留了这些objects, 等待垃圾回收(GC), 所以我们要用命令彻底清除它, 并收回空间. 命令如下: $rm -rf .git/refs/original/$git reflog expire --expire=now --all$git gc --prune=now...
$ git push origin master --force --tags 步骤三: 清理和回收空间 虽然上面我们已经删除了文件, 但是我们的repo里面仍然保留了这些objects, 等待垃圾回收(GC), 所以我们要用命令彻底清除它, 并收回空间. 命令如下: $rm -rf .git/refs/original/
If none of these options or config settings are given, then references are used as decoration if they match HEAD, refs/heads/, refs/remotes/, refs/stash/, or refs/tags/. --clear-decorations When specified, this option clears all previous --decorate-refs or --decorate-refs-exclude options...
6、删除远程标签git push origin :refs/tags/[标签名] 注意:当标签名和某个分支相同,则推送到远程时会报错。git push origin 标签名;报错信息:error: src refspec dev matches more than one;解决办法就是删除标签,重新起另外的标签名,git tag -d [标签名] ...
You will need to run this for every branch and tag that was changed. The--alland--tagsflags may help make that easier. Cleanup and reclaiming space Whilegit filter-branchrewrites the history for you, the objects will remain in your local repo until they've been dereferenced and garbage col...
git push 可以推送本地分支、标签到远程仓库,也可以删除远程分支哦。 git push origin master 将本地分支的更新全部推送到远程仓库master分支。 git push origin -d <branchname> 删除远程branchname分支 git push --tags 推送所有标签 如果我们在dev开发完,或者就想把文件推送到远程仓库,给别的伙伴看看,就可以使...