git remove added file before commit $ git reset <file> $ git reset OK
If you've added files to the staging area (the Index) accidentally - you can remove them usinggit reset. We'll first add a file to staging, but then back it out with: git reset HEAD filename in order to pull it back to the working directory, so it doesn't end up in a commit ...
# 在当前目录新建一个git仓库 git init # 打开git仓库图形界面 gitk # 显示所有变更信息 git status # 删除所有Untracked files git clean -fd # 下载远程仓库的所有更新 git fetch remote # 下载远程仓库的所有更新,并且Merge git pull romote branch-name # 查看上次commit id git rev-parse HEAD # 将指定...
$ git stash save"test-cmd-stash"Saved working directory and index state On autoswitch:test-cmd-stashHEAD现在位于 296e8d4 remove unnecessary postion resetinonResumefunction$ git stash list stash@{0}:On autoswitch:test-cmd-stash 2. 重新应用缓存的stash 可以通过git stash pop命令恢复之前缓存的工作...
This will put the file back into the working directory and remove it from the staging area. If you do this on recently added files, your file will become untracked again. Within Visual Studio Code, you can use the-sign to unstage orreset. ...
This will put the file back into the working directory and remove it from the staging area. If you do this on recently added files, your file will become untracked again. Within Visual Studio Code, you can use the-sign to unstage orreset. ...
# Untracked files: # (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed) # # datafiles/ # test01 # test02 # test03 nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track) 3.添加文件 ——git addfiles把当前文件放入暂存区域 ...
git remote remove origin # 删除该远程路径 git remote add origin # 添加远程路径 help git help config# 获取帮助信息 配置自动换行(自动转换坑太大) git config --global core.autocrlf input# 提交到git是自动将换行符转换为lf ...
删除尚未提交的文件(Untracked files) // 文件git clean-f// 目录git clean-fd// 添加-n选项可以查看要删除的文件列表[~]git clean-nfWouldremovetemp1.txtWouldremovetemp2.txt 丢弃对某个文件的修改 git checkout -- {filename} git统计提交次数排在前五名的作者 ...
1files changed,0insertions(+),0deletions(-) delete mode100644testme.txt 这时候我们看看版本库的大小: $ du -hs 10M. 很明显虽然testme.txt已经被删除了,但是因为版本历史里曾经有过这个文件,所以git仍然把它存在库中,以后可以通过它再把它恢复回来。