If you only want to remove a file from the previous commit and keep it on disk the git reset command can help: git reset --soft HEAD^ Copy or git reset --soft HEAD~1 Copy Resetting files Then, you can reset the files you no longer need to remove them from the commit: git res...
We will often add files to the commits and later realize that they should not be present there. We can rewrite the commit history and remove these files by using the Git Reset command. After going back to a previous commit we can remove a file from the staging area or even from the wo...
git commit --amend 如果未将文件添加到暂存区域,但您单击“提交”按钮,则 Visual Studio Code 将显示一条消息,指示暂存区域中没有文件,但该代码还会询问您是否要提交工作目录中的文件。 也就是说,它将绕过暂存区域。 您也可以通过在 commit 命令上使用 -a 选项来执行本操作。 git commit -a -m "Your mess...
<a href="#i-want-to-remove-a-file-from-a-commit"></a> 我想从一个提交(commit)里移除一个文件 通过下面的方法,从一个提交(commit)里移除一个文件: git checkout HEAD^ myfile git add -A git commit --amend 这将非常有用,当你有一个开放的补丁(open patch),你往上面提交了一个不必要的文件,...
git checkout <commit_id> <path_to_file> 如果要删除多个文件,可以多次执行此操作。 2。 git commit -am "remove unwanted files" 3。 找到错误添加文件的提交的 commit_id,让我们在这里说 “35c23c2” git rebase 35c23c2~1 -i // notice: "~1" is necessary ...
To remove a file from Git, you have to remove it from your tracked files (more accurately, remove it from your staging area) and then commit. Thegit rmcommand does that, and also removes the file from your working directory so you don’t see it as an untracked file the next time aro...
git commit -a 提交当前repos的所有的改变 git add [file name] 添加一个文件到git index git commit -v 当你用-v参数的时候可以看commit的差异 git commit -m "This is the message describing the commit" 添加commit信息 git commit -a -a是代表add,把所有的change加到git index里然后再commit ...
When I first created my repo I added the patterns I wanted to ignore to .gitignore, and then added all my files. However I missed a couple of patterns from the .gitignore file and so some files got added to the repo that I didn't want to...
21 # . specified). Use -c <commit> to reword the commit message. 22 # 23 # These lines can be re-ordered; they are executed from top to bottom. 24 # 25 # If you remove a line here THAT COMMIT WILL BE LOST. 26 # 27 # However, if you remove everything, the rebase will be...
git rm --cached filename https://i.stack.imgur.com/Eo1oR.png 删除本地文件(并从 git commit 中删除) 否则,如果您想删除文件,只需使用: git rm filename https://i.stack.imgur.com/Oby3I.png V Vadim Kotov 如果你在使用 GitHub 并且还没有推送提交,GitHub Desktop 可以轻松解决这个问题: ...