Local refs configured for ‘git push’,这一栏说明你push了哪些分支上origin。 develop_newfeature_apiwrapper,分支在远程,我们现在去把他删除掉。 点击垃圾桶,将其删除。再回到本地来查看所有分支。 它依然存在。但是你再通过 git remote show origin,来查看就会发现问题。 提示你可以通过git remote prune 移除这...
Local refs configured for ‘git push’,这一栏说明你push了哪些分支上origin。 develop_newfeature_apiwrapper,分支在远程,我们现在去把他删除掉。 点击垃圾桶,将其删除。再回到本地来查看所有分支。 它依然存在。但是你再通过 git remote show origin,来查看就会发现问题。 提示你可以通过git remote prune 移除这...
remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master remotes/origin/br remotes/origin/br1 remotes/origin/master 本地依然存在,但是pull会异常 $ git pull --rebase origin br1 fatal: couldn't find remote ref br1 此刻需要同步仓库信息,精简本地数据 $ git remote prune origin Pruning origin URL: ***.git * [pr...
聊下git remote prune origin 简介:在你经常使用的命令当中有一个git branch –a 用来查看所有的分支,包括本地和远程的。但是时间长了你会发现有些分支在远程其实早就被删除了,但是在你本地依然可以看见这些被删除的分支。 你可以通过命令,git remote show origin 来查看有关于origin的一些信息,包括分支是否trackin...
Deletes any local branches for<NAME>that are not present on the remote repository. Accepts a--dry-runoption which will list what branches are set to be pruned, but will not actually prune them. Git remote examples In addition to origin, it’s often convenient to have a connection to your...
例如,如果远程HEAD指向next,则git remote set-head origin -a会将符号引用refs/remotes/origin/HEAD设置为refs/remotes/origin/next。只有当refs/remotes/origin/next已经存在时才有效;如果不存在,则必须首先进行获取。 使用<branch>显式设置符号引用refs/remotes/<name>/HEAD。例如,git remote set-head origin ...
git remote prune origin --dry-run # 清除上面命令列出来的远程跟踪 git remote prune origin 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. pull request 流程 如果你想要参与某个项目,但是并没有推送权限,这时可以对这个项目进行“派生”(Fork)。 派生的意思是指,GitHub 将在你的空间中创建一个完全属于你的项目副本,且...
The typical use-case is to set this to origin. Currently this is used by git-switch[1] and git-checkout[1] when git checkout <something> or git switch <something> will checkout the <something> branch on another remote, and by git-worktree[1] when git worktree add refers to a ...
PruneVerifyRemoteAlways=false PruneRemoteName=origin LfsStorageDir=C:\Users\Japo\Desktop\Clon\Repositorio.git\lfs AccessDownload=none AccessUpload=none DownloadTransfers=basic,lfs-standalone-file,ssh UploadTransfers=basic,lfs-standalone-file,ssh
git push origin :branch-to-deletewill delete the bookmarkbranch-to-deleteon remote git push --dry-run origin branchwill not touch the remote (or any local state, except for local helper proxy repo) git push origin old:newwill pusholdontonewin the remote ...