打Tag:git tag -m <tag name> [<commit>] 其中-m <msg> 表示 tag 备注,每个tag都必须给出说明。多个 -m 就是多个段落,对 tag 可以有了更详细的描述。 推送到远程:git push <remote> <tag name> 对于GitHub 来说,打了一个 Tag 就有了一个 Release; 在GitHub 上通过自定义脚本,可以同步更新Packagist...
I am currently learning to use Git by readingPro Git. Right now I'm learning about branching and tags. My question is when should I use a branch and when should I use a tag? For example, say I create a branch for version 1.1 of a project. When I finish and release this version, ...
👍Standout features Bitbucket works best when integrated with Jira, an issue tracking platform. Through integration, Jira users can release 14 percent more often with Bitbucket, as the two platforms are seamlessly integrated—create Bitbucket branches inside Jira or address issues without leaving Bi...
Create release with image digest on new tag stage-badge SaaS Free Premium Ultimate Self-Managed Free Premium Ultimate Docker supports immutable image identifiers and we have adopted this best practice to update our cloud-deploy images. When a new image is tagged, we also programmatically retrieve...
Understanding of the UX design best practices. Bonus points if Experience working as a designer. Experience building design systems. Familiarity with SUS. Product Planning We’re looking for a product manager to drive the roadmap for portfolio management functionality at GitLab! Your goal is to in...
github_repo_latest_release.sh - returns the latest release tag for a given GitHub repo via the GitHub API github_repo_latest_release_filter.sh - returns the latest release tag matching a given regex filter for a given GitHub repo via the GitHub API. Useful for getting the latest version of...
You can use tagging to mark a significant changeset, such as a release: git tag 1.0.0 CommitId is the leading characters of the changeset ID, up to 10, but must be unique. Get the ID using: git log Push all tags to remote repository: ...
Release notes Depending on the kind of regular expression added to a project the feature for cherry-picking and at the same time creating a MR in the GitLab-UI is not usable. Cherry-picking in GitLab UI (when creating a MR at the same time) always create a branch of the patterncherry...
They can be used in release pipelines for deployment purposes. Usually there is retention period on the build artifacts. What Continuous Integration solution are you using/prefer and why? What deployment strategies are you familiar with or have used? There are several deployment strategies: * ...
First, updatemasterand tag the release. $git checkout masterSwitched to branch 'master'$git merge --no-ff hotfix-1.2.1Merge made by recursive.(Summary of changes)$git tag -a 1.2.1 Edit:You might as well want to use the-sor-u <key>flags to sign your tag cryptographically. ...