"git rebase -i HEAD~xxx"是修改git 历史记录的一个很有用的命令。 但是有时在执行该命令时会出现以下错误:$ git rebase –i HEAD~8fatal: Needed a single revisioninvalid upstream –i 二、错误原因当前执行操作的点不在任何分支上,或者可能rebase后面的参数是一个错误的分支;当前执行操作的点前面的提交不...
If the user runs the “git rebase origin” command, the Git terminal will show the error message “fatal: invalid upstream ‘origin’” and never rebase the upstream remote branch. However, Git users can use the “git rebase origin/branch” command for rebasing the branch from the remote up...
Defines, together with branch.<name>.remote, the upstream branch for the given branch. It tells git fetch/git pull/git rebase which branch to merge and can also affect git push (see push.default). When in branch <name>, it tells git fetch the default refspec to be marked for merging ...
git rebase [-i] [options] [--exec <cmd>] [--onto <newbase>] [<upstream>] [<branch>] git rebase [-i] [options] [--exec <cmd>] [--onto <newbase>] --root [<branch>] git-rebase --continue | --abort | --skip | --edit-todo ...
git rebase [-i] [options] [--exec <cmd>] [--onto <newbase>] [<upstream>] [<branch>] git rebase [-i] [options] [--exec <cmd>] [--onto <newbase>] --root [<branch>] git-rebase --continue | --abort | --skip | --edit-todo -- ...
git rebase简单的作用就是合并,同git merge很类似,但是原理又跟git merge不同,下面我们来了解一下git...
git rebase [-i] [options] [--exec <cmd>] [--onto <newbase>] [<upstream>] [<branch>] git rebase [-i] [options] [--exec <cmd>] [--onto <newbase>] --root [<branch>] git-rebase --continue | --abort | --skip | --edit-todo -- ...
git rebase [-i] [options] [--exec <cmd>] [--onto <newbase>] [<upstream>] [<branch>] git rebase [-i] [options] [--exec <cmd>] [--onto <newbase>] --root [<branch>] git-rebase --continue | --abort | --skip | --edit-todo -- Available options are v,verbose!
你需要在重定基之前在本地 checkout 'another-branch'。
你需要在重定基之前在本地 checkout 'another-branch'。