$ git rebase ffbbf3df Current branch slantdirection is up to date. 1. 2. 分析 参与FreeType工作,因为一个MR拖拖拉拉半个月了对方还没搞明白,所以吾另外建了个分支,提交了一个新的MR。今天再操作就出问题了,反反复复折腾了很久。搜索了一番,没有找到有效帮助。 自然的,怀疑是因为新建了一个分支导致的...
更新当前分支的内容时一定要使用--rebase参数 例如现有上游分支master,基于 master 分支拉出来一个开发分支dev,在 dev 上开发了一段时间后要把 master 分支提交的新内容更新到 dev 分支,此时切换到 dev 分支,使用git rebase master 等dev 分支开发完成了之后,要合并到上游分支 master 上的时候,切换到 master 分支,...
rebase 的本质是让你的 commits 从 branch 的 history out 变基成 current branch out。即当你对于这个 branch 有提交权限的时候,可以通过 rebase 确保 graph 是一条线。 merge 的本质是合并提交,一般是因为你没有权限 push protected branch 去做 merge request。少部分情况下用于相对长期的分支合并。 他们本身就...
ORIG_HEADis not guaranteed to still point to the previous branch tip at the end of the rebase if other commands that write that pseudo-ref (e.g.git reset) are used during the rebase. The previous branch tip, however, is accessible using the reflog of the current branch (i.e.@{1},...
1.8.5将master分支合并至merge_dev并完成提交 2.git rebase -i 命令操作 usage: git rebase [-i] [options] [--exec <cmd>] [--onto <newbase> | --keep-base] [<upstream> [<branch>]]or: git rebase [-i] [options] [--exec <cmd>] [--onto <newbase>] --root [<branch>]or: git ...
Current branch B1 is up todate. $ git rebase master First, rewindingheadto replay your work on top of it... Applying: FILE1 第一次修改 $ git push origin B1 To gitlab.xpaas.lenovo.com:baiyl3/project1.git! [rejected] B1 -> B1 (non-fast-forward) ...
root! rebase all reachable commits up to the root(s) autosquash move commits that begin with squash!/fixup! under -i signoff add a Signed-off-by: line to each commit committer-date-is-author-date! passed to 'git am' ignore-date! passed to 'git am' ...
f,force-rebase! force rebase even if branch is up to date X,strategy-option=! pass the argument through to the merge strategy stat! display a diffstat of what changed upstream n,no-stat! do not show diffstat of what changed upstream verify allow pre-rebase hook to run ...
f,force-rebase! force rebase even if branch is up to date X,strategy-option=! pass the argument through to the merge strategy stat! display a diffstat of what changed upstream n,no-stat! do not show diffstat of what changed upstream ...