fatal:Theupstream branch of your current branch does not match the name of your current branch.Topush to the upstream branch on the remote,use git push origin HEAD:mainTopush to the branch of the same name on the remote,use git push originHEADTochoose either option permanently,see push.def...
your configuration file does not tell me, either. Please specify which branch you want to use on the command line and try again (e.g. 'git pull <repository> <refspec>'). See git-pull(1) for details. If you often merge with the same branch, you may want to use something like the ...
To push to the branch of the same name on the remote,use git push origin dev_zhangcz To choose either option permanently,see push.defaultin'git help config'. 报错的大意思就是:你当前分支的关联分支(upstream branch)与你分支的名字不匹配(not match); 我们在使用git branch -vv查看一下dev_zhang...
关联目的是如果在本地分支下操作: git pull, git push ,不需要指定在命令行指定远程的分支. 推送到远程分支后, 你只要没有显示指定, git pull 的时候,就会提示你。 解决方法: 使用命令git branch --set-upstream ;实例如下,其中debug为创建的分支 git branch --set-upstream debug origin/debug 命令的最终修改...
git branch-D<branchname> 删除远程分支: git push origin--delete<branchname> 实例 开始前我们先创建一个测试目录: $ mkdir gitdemo $ cd gitdemo/$ git initInitializedemptyGitrepository...$ touch README $ git add README $ git commit-m'第一次版本提交'[master(root-commit)3b58100]第一次版本提...
git branch --set-upstream master origin/<branch> 解决方案:指定当前工作目录工作分支,跟远程的仓库,分支之间的链接关系。 比如我们设置master对应远程仓库的master分支 git branch --set-upstream master origin/master 这样在我们每次想push或者pull的时候,只需要 输入git push 或者git pull即可。
gitbranch-dbackup-branch 1. 如果需要将更改推送到远程仓库,可以使用: gitpush origin[branch-name] 1. 请确保替换[branch-name]为你当前使用的分支名。 结尾 通过以上步骤,我们成功地将Android Studio项目的Git版本回退到了上一个版本,同时使用状态图和类图帮助我们更好地理解Git的概念与结构。掌握这些基础知识后...
We use these togit pushto a specific branch with a name of our choice. Toward the end, we will see a few use cases where we make immense gains in our workflow if wegit pusha new branch and not into a branch with the same name as our local. ...
public class Program { // Editing the same line (file from feature-2 branch) public static void Main(string[] args) { BuildWebHost(args).Run(); } public static IWebHost BuildWebHost(string[] args) => WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder(args) .UseStartup<Startup>() .Build()...
git branch <branchname>When you execute the branch command, it (by default) uses the pointer of the current branch and create a new branch that points to the same commit as the current branch. The branch command doesn't automatically change the current branch to the new branch. Therefore,...