--set-upstream已经过时,需要用 新的命令 --set-upstream-to $git branch --set-upstream-to origin/dev0628 Branch 'dev0628' set up to track remote branch 'dev0628' from 'origin'. 这样本地分支就和远程分支关联起来了
一种是本地开好分支,推送到远程. 远程先开好分支然后拉到本地 gitcheckout -bfeature-branch origin/feature-branch//检出远程的feature-branch分支到本地 本地先开好分支然后推送到远程 $ git checkout -bfeature-branch//创建并切换到分支feature-branch$ gitpushorigin feature-branch:feature-branch//推送本地...
To use branching and merging in Git, you first need to learn about the commands that are built into Git to create a branch. The command is branch followed with a name for the new branch.git branch <branchname>When you execute the branch command, it (by default) uses the pointer of ...
remote: - Push cannot contain secrets remote: remote: remote: (?) Learn how to resolve a blocked push remote: https://docs.github.com/code-security/secret-scanning/pushing-a-branch-blocked-by-push-protection remote: remote: (?) This repository does not have Secret Scanning enabled, but is ...
$ git checkout -b newBranchName Switched to a new branch 'newBranchName' 这相当于执行下面这两条命令: git branch newBranchName git checkout newBranchName(工作区一定要是clean的) $ git checkout -b newBranchName remote_branch_name 拉取远程分支remote_branch_name创建一个本地分支newBranchName,并...
When you want to share a branch with the world, you need to push it up to a remote to which you have write access. Your local branches aren’t automatically synchronized to the remotes you write to — you have to explicitly push the branches you want to share. That way, you can...
! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined) error: failed to push some refs to 'http://houcaiyun@code.admaster.co/social-base/buzzextractor.git' 经过分析查证发现是自己没有合并代码的权限导致的,所以接下来就是修改权限就可以了。
git <command> -h,git <command> --help git branch git checkout -h git clone -h git commit -h git config git difftool git ls-files git merge -h git pull -h git push -h git remote查看远程路径 git reset git status 使用git 命令行?还是 GUI 工具?
git push origin HEAD:<branch> 这样就把代码提交到对应的分支 ,和 git push origin <localBranch> <remoteBranch>类似如果其他人有修改这个子模块并提交到A工程,你可以重新pull A项目分支,然后执行git submodule update保证子模块也是最新的git clone --recurse-submodules <repositary> ,他就会自动初始化并更新...
git branch -a git获取本地全部分支列表 git branch git基于分支新建分支 git checkout -b newbranch origin/xxbranch git提交本地分支到远程指定分支 git push origin localbranch:remotebranch 查看commit的历史 git log 查看最新的commit Id git rev-parse HEAD ...