This creates the branch and checkout in one command.git checkout -b <branchname>Let's have a look at a visual example. Three changes have been committed to the Git system on the main branch. The main branch is the currently selected branch because the HEAD pointer is referencing the ...
git remote add origin git branch -M main git push -u origin main 我们本地已经有了仓库,所以操作步骤如下: git branch -m master //其实也不用这步,因为我们使用Git bash默认的仓库分支就是master git remote add origin
$ git checkout -b feature_x# 删除分支,若没有有未被合并的内容,则无法删除# 不能删除当前所在的分支,如要删除需切换分支$ git branch -d [分支]# 强制删除分支$ git branch -D [分支]# 删除远程分支 origin为配置的远程仓库$ git push origin -d [分支]# 当前所在分支与指定分支合并$ git merge [...
Push(推送):将本地仓库中的更改提交并上传到远程仓库的操作。 Branch(分支):允许开发者在代码库的不同版本上同时进行开发工作,每个分支是代码库的一个并行副本。主分支通常叫 main 或 master,但我们可以创建新的分支来开发新功能、修复 bug 等,确保没有问题后再合并到 main。 Merge(合并):将一个分支的修改合并...
git init --initial-branch==main This command creates a new git repository skeleton in a subdirectory named '.git' under the current directory. This meas that you're now able to start using other git commands in the current directory. git configuration git config --list --show-origin | gre...
The git push command is used to transfer or push the commit, which is made on a local branch in your computer to a remote repository like GitHub. The command used for pushing to GitHub is given below. git push 'remote_name' 'branch_name' In this tutorial, you'll be looking two diffe...
STATUS=1 fi return ${STATUS} } # # Main execution # #Run a preflight check on options for compatibility. if ! preflight 1>&2;then echo "Command aborted due to previous errors." 1>&2 exit 1 fi #Set up project creation options based on to be passed to create manage_git...
git init --initial-branch=main 或者使用以下命令: Bash git init -b main 对于Git 的较早版本,请使用以下命令: Bash git init git checkout -b main 运行初始化命令后,应当会看到与以下示例类似的输出: 输出 Initialized empty Git repository in /home/<user>/Cats/.git/ Switched to a new branch 'ma...
cd../git-demo-collegue//切目录git pull origin main//拉最新的代码到本地 image.png 这样同事就拿到了你的代码。 11.建立branch 比如同事拿到了一个新的需求:新增我的个人资料功能,但他又怕影响到主分支,所以他可以新建一个分支,等他做完,再进行合并。
git push -u origin new_branch_name 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 2) 当前分支代码回滚到指定commit节点 a. 使用当前head,创建新分支 new_branch_name git checkout -b new_branch_name b. 回退到指定commit git reset --hard commit_id