一种是本地开好分支,推送到远程. 远程先开好分支然后拉到本地 gitcheckout -bfeature-branch origin/feature-branch//检出远程的feature-branch分支到本地 本地先开好分支然后推送到远程 $ git checkout -bfeature-branch//创建并切换到分支feature-branch$ gitpushorigin feature-branch:feature-branch//推送本地...
git push grader submission:master git branch --set-upstream-to=grader/master submission git config push.default upstream Sometimes, there might be something already on the remote branch, if the student has run the process before. So in this case, the script that the stu...
git stash将未提交的改动保存在本地,让你可以进行修改、切换分支以及其他 Git 操作。(需要的时候,你可以重新应用这些存储的改动。)暂存是本地范围的,不会被git push推送到远程。 如果还未对代码进行commit,那么就将本地代码先存到暂存区stash中,然后进行pull。
git push:将本地仓库中的改动推送到远程仓库。git pull:从远程仓库拉取最新的改动到本地。git branch:查 看所有分支。git checkout [branch]:切换到指定的分支。git merge [branch]:将指定分支合并到当 前分支。git rebase [branch]:将当前分支的改动移到指定分支上。git tag:查看所有的标签。git log:查 看...
息。git push:将本地仓库中的改动推送到远程仓库。git pull:从远程仓库拉取最新的改动到本地。git branch:查 看所有分支。git checkout [branch]:切换到指定的分支。git merge [branch]:将指定分支合并到当 前分支。git rebase [branch]:将当前分支的改动移到指定分支上。git tag:查看所有的标签。git log:查...
Learn how to use the Git push command to push changes to a remote repository and how to safely use Git push force, using GitKraken Desktop and the Git CLI.
Create a new, local Git branch in your repository. Perform agit push origin-u<branchname>command to push to the remote repo. Continue to perform Git commits locally on the new branch. Simply use thegit push origincommand on subsequent pushes of the new branch to the remote repo. ...
Push Local Branch to Remote Branch Furthermore, thepushcommand is also used to delete a remote branch in some cases. Before running thegit pushcommand, the correct local branch should be checked out first. After that, for performing thepushcommand, highlight which remote branch you want to pu...
从远程分支 checkout 出来的本地分支,称为_跟踪分支(tracking branch)_。跟踪分支是一种和远程分支有直接联系的本地分支。在跟踪分支里输入Git push,Git 会自行推断应该向哪个服务器的哪个分支推送数据。反过来,在这些分支里运行git pull 会获取所有远程索引,并把它们的数据都合并到本地分支中来。在克隆仓库时,Git...
问题 进行git push操作时报错:fatal: The current branch master has no upstream branch. 原因:没有将本地的分支...