Usingan HTTPS remote URLhas some advantages: it's easier to set up than SSH, and usually works through strict firewalls and proxies. However, it also prompts you to enter your GitHub credentials every time you pull or push a repository. Caching your GitHub password in Git Turn on the crede...
% git push Usernamefor'': Passwordfor'': remote: Supportforpassword authentication was removed on August 13, 2021. Please use a personal access token instead. remote: Please see
I have followed the steps mentioned for installing and using git-lfs and everything is ok but when I run the commandgit push, I face a loop of authenticating. I mean, first it asks for username and password and I enter my username and password the ones I always use (even before using...
与使用 SSH 相比,使用 HTTPS 远程 URL 具有一些优势。 它比 SSH 更容易设置,通常通过严格的防火墙和代理进行工作。 However, it also prompts you to enter your GitHub Enterprise Server credentials every time you pull or push a repository. When Git prompts you for your password, enter your personal ac...
GIT - connection keeps asking to add ssh-server key and for password Followed by one person Permanently deleted user CreatedNovember 13, 2017 23:02 Everytime I try to push or pull something to/from my GIT-Server, PHPStorm asks me to add the ssh-server key t...
I need help for troubleshooting the following issue on Windows 10. I'm using VSCode and Git-CMW to connect to a VSTS repo. Each and every time I need to push or pull from the remote repo, I'm asked for my credentials again and again. But...
在自己Mac上配置了SSH公私钥,出现了如下问题,每次都要输入密码,于是就查了一下解决办法。 git每次操作远程分支(git pull,git push等)时提示enter passphrase for key '~/.ssh/id_rsa' WHY 原因应该是生成key的时候设置了密码,导致每次操作git都需要输入密码。然而很多小伙伴第一次生成key的时候都处于懵懵懂懂的...
I have been trying since last week for ssh connection in gitlab. I have followed gitlab document to generate ssh keys and added my public key into my gitlab profile and later on when I tried to clone or pull etc using ssh it is asking me for password. I have followed everything corr...
问题描述:在git中使用push或者pull,每次都需要输入用户名和密码 问题原因:git clone的时候,使用的clone地址是https格式,而不是ssh 解决办法: 第一步:使用git remote -v,查看clone地址 当前方式为https 第二步:移除https方式,git remote rm origin 第三步:添加ssh方式,git remote add origin 第四步... ...
Push objects over HTTP/DAV to another repository git-receive-pack[1] Receive what is pushed into the repository git-shell[1] Restricted login shell for Git-only SSH access git-upload-archive[1] Send archive back to git-archive git-upload-pack[1] ...