git: Why “Merge branch 'master' of …”? when pull and push 4 Ways to Avoid Merge Commits in Git (or How to Stop Being a Git Tit) Git rebase and the golden rule explained. Git - When to Merge vs. When to Rebase
从本地推送分支,使用git push origin branch-name,如果推送失败,先用git pull抓取远程的新提交; 在本地创建和远程分支对应的分支,使用git checkout -b branch-name origin/branch-name,本地和远程分支的名称最好一致; 建立本地分支和远程分支的关联,使用git branch --set-upstream branch-name origin/branch-name...
The short:is there a way to have a git repo push to and pull from a list of remote repos (rather than a single "origin")? The long:I often have a situation when I'm developing an app in multiple computers, with different connectivity – say a laptop while on transit, a computer ...
结论:只要你的分支上需要rebase的所有commits历史还没有被push过(比如上例中rebase时从分叉处开始有两个commit历史会被重写),就可以安全地使用git rebase来操作。 用rebase解决rebase 在本例中另一种简单的方法是使用 git pull --rebase 命令而不是直接 git pull。 又或者你可以自己手动完成这个过程,先 git fetch...
In addition to pulling and pushing, some workflows involve git rebase, such as this one, which I paraphrase from the linked article: git pull origin master git checkout foo-branch git rebase master git push origin foo-branch If you find yourself in such a situation, you may be tempt...
$ git push origin master 这样,其他人的克隆和推送也一样变得很简单: 代码语言:javascript 复制 $ git clone git@gitserver:/opt/git/project.git $ vimREADME$ git commit-am'fix for the README file'$ git push origin master 用这个方法可以很快捷地为少数几个开发者架设一个可读写的 Git 服务。
The remote-tracking branches listed above were created based on the remote branches at clone time and will be updated by git fetch (hence git pull) and git push. See Updating a repository with git fetch for details. You might want to build on one of these remote-tracking branches on a ...
The remote-tracking branches listed above were created based on the remote branches at clone time and will be updated by git fetch (hence git pull) and git push. See Updating a repository with git fetch for details. You might want to build on one of these remote-tracking branches on a ...
There is also refs/remotes/, holding names referring to other repositories; these contain beneath them the ref namespaces of those repositories, and are used in push and pull operations. For example, when you clone a repository, Git creates a âremoteâ named origin referring...
to remove changes from the Git history but not from the files, and then commit them incrementally in a smarter way than when I was in phase 1. Git push -f which is fine since my branch is mine only until I mark the PR as ready to review. Conclusion In this post I explained how...