git clone github上的代码有时候能下来,有时候报错TCP connection reset by peer 查看stackoverflow找到了解决方法 把git换成https就行了
git tcp connection reset by peer 在Kubernetes(K8S)集群中使用Git进行代码管理是一个非常常见的场景。然而,有时候在使用Git时可能会遇到"tcp connection reset by peer"的错误。在这篇文章中,我将向您详细介绍如何解决这个问题。首先让我们了解一下整个过程的流程。 ### 解决"tcp connection reset by peer"错误...
报错: TCP connection reset by peer [lj@localhost ~]$ git clone && cd diem 正克隆到 'diem'... fatal: unable to access '': TCP connection reset by peer [lj@localhost ~]$ git clone https://github....
描述:Linux git clone下载代码(比如vulhub)失败解决办法:windows下载好,传上去就可以了 ![](/media/202304/2023-04-11_164904_5585[Errno 14] curl#35 - “TCP connection reset by peer”. Here is the gitlab_gitlab-ce.repo file used on the CentOS server: [gitlab_gitlab-ce] name=gitlab_gitlab-ce ...
fatal: unable to access '': TCP connection reset by peer 解决方法:通过yum install的git版本太旧,升级git版本后解决了该问题。 CentOS版本: CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core) git旧版本: ...
.net/gitlab/docker/registry/v2/blobs/sha256/ac/acfa196d54bcfde33b43203a3db60e4b4864807ed5c4125278c63ea020d5a4ae/data?Expires=1699336880&KeyName=gprd-registry-cdn&Signature=XHYMa8uEifyM3UNtyiRGp-YX_yw=”: read tcp> read: connection reset by peer...
(base) [root@CentOS-wangml Git-learning]# git remote add origin [root@CentOS-wangml Git-learning]# git push -u origin mainfatal: unable to access'': TCP connection reset by peer...
keepalived+lvs tcp check 引起的后端服务报Connection reset by peer 2019-12-04 14:35 −方法一: 取消LVS方式进行tcp转发,进而改为http方式反向代理,问题即可解决。 当然,这是在业务允许使用http的情况下,如果必须使用tcp协议,那就得使用下面的方法了。 方法二: 修改keepalived配置文件 virtual_server 192.168.20...
33686: EOF 2022/11/18 03:44:48 http: TLS handshake error from read tcp> read: connection reset by peer --- FAIL: TestScript (0.16s) --- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_direct (2.43s) script_test.go:134: 2022-11-18T03:44:49Z ......