在执行 “git pull” 命令之后,你可以执行其他 Git 命令来继续你的开发工作,例如 “git branch”、”git status”、”git log” 等。
$git commit //commit changes in index//在索引中提交更改 $git push //push to remote repository//推送到远程存储库 $git pull //pull latest from remote repository//从远程存储库中取得最新的 $git clone //clone repository into A new directory//将存储库克隆到新的目录中 常用命令: $git add 文件...
1. `git fetch`: The `git fetch` command downloads the latest commits from a remote repository but does not integrate them into your local branches. After fetching, you can compare the local and remote branches to see if there are any updates. “` git fetch origin git branch -v “` Th...
git push origin<branch_name> Replace <branch_name> with the name of your branch. By following these steps, you will integrate the remote changes into your local repository and be able to push your updated code to the remote repository. 2023/10/24 上午11:34:28 git merge origin/<branch_na...
切换分支:gitcheckout--orphan latest_branch添加到暂存区:gitadd -A 提交更改:gitcommit -am “commit message”删除分支:gitbranch-Dmaster重命名分支:gitbranch-mmaster强制提交到远程仓库:gitpush -foriginmaster 智能推荐 git 拉取远程分支到本地
commit. In a branch reference, the latest commit of a branch is referenced. All older commits of the branch are traced back to the referenced commit. Remote references are very similar - for each branch of a remote, there is a file that references the locally, most recently known commit....
Step 1. Pull changes from the remote. Before pushing changes to the remote repository, perform apullto fetch any changes from the remote branch and integrate them into your current local branch: git pull Step 2. Switch to the branch you want to push. ...
Git allows users to transfer their changes to another branch located in the remote repo by specifying the remote repo’s name, the local branch’s name, and the remote branch’s name. Let’s explore the steps in this process. Step #1: Pull Changes From the Remote Repository ...
git branch -m new-nameCopy For example: In this example, we changed the local branch name fromnew-featuretofeature-testing. Since there is no direct way torename a remote Git branch, you must first delete the old branch name and then push the new branch name to the remote repository. ...
git remote 导出远程地址 git clone git branch [分支名] 创建分支 git branch 查看本地所有分支 git checkout [分支名称] 切换分支 ---写代码--- git status (查看文件改变记录) git diff (查看代码级改变) git add (1:确认改变) git commit -m 提交注释 (2:提交到当前分支的本地工作区) ...