git pull git pull --force 是远程仓库没有连上导致的 就好了
git pull <remote> <branch> If you wish to set tracking information for this branch you can do so with: git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/<branch> dev
if you wanted to see what themasterbranch on youroriginremote looked like as of the last time you communicated with it, you would check theorigin/masterbranch. If you were working on an issue with a partner and they pushed up aniss53branch, you might have your own localiss53branch, but ...
git pull origin <远程分支名> git config 设置用户名和邮箱 git config --global "<用户名>" git config --global <邮箱> git add 强制添加文件到暂存区 git add -f <文件名> git remote git remote:列出当前仓库中已配置的远程仓库。 git remote -v:列出当前仓库中已配置的...
获取更新(Fetch & Pull): git fetch 用于从远程仓库下载最新的历史记录。 git pull 相当于 git fetch 后跟git merge,用于更新您的本地仓库至最新改动。 和git pull效果一样 git commit git pull 推送更改(*Push*): git push 用于将您的更改上传到远程仓库。 git push origin <branch> 用于将指定分支推送到...
Worktrees enable efficient multitasking by allowing you to work on multiple branches without stashing changes or leaving your current branch. They preserve your workflow while letting you shift focus when needed. For example, you can easily review a pull request on a worktree in a separate VS Co...
git remote git fetch git pull git push 本文针对初级用户,从最简单的讲起,但是需要读者对Git的基本用法有所了解。同时,本文覆盖了上面5个命令的几乎所有的常用用法,所以对于熟练用户也有参考价值。 一、git clone 远程操作的第一步,通常是从远程主机克隆一个版本库,这时就要用到git clone命令。
通过remote 命令或 clone 命令在本地 Git 存储库和远程存储库之间创建链接后,系统不会自动同步。 push 和pull 命令分别用于从远程存储库获取数据和将数据发送到远程存储库。最佳做法是先执行 pull 命令,然后执行 push。git pull <remote-name> <branch-name>...
git pull 'remote_name' 'branch_name' The git pull command is a combination of git fetch which fetches the recent commits in the local repository and git merge, which will merge the branch from a remote to a local branch. Also, remote_name is the repository name and branch_name is the...
CompletionQueueTime CreatedBy CreationDate Description ForkSource Labels LastMergeCommit LastMergeSourceCommit LastMergeTargetCommit Links MergeFailureMessage MergeFailureType MergeId MergeOptions MergeStatus PullRequestId RemoteUrl Repository Reviewers SourceRefName ...