remote add xxx(别名) xxx(仓库地址) 给仓库地址起别名(可选操作) git pull xxx(目标仓库别名/仓库地址) #克隆远程库到本地 git pull -b yyy xxx(目标仓库别名/仓库地址) xxx(分支名) #克隆远程库的yyy分支到本地 git pull xxx(目标仓库别名/仓库地址) yyy(分支名) 克隆远程库的yyy分支到本地 创建...
当主机的master分支拉取代码过来和本地的当前分支进行合并时,需要使用如下命令: git pull origin master git pull origin master错误分析 如果大家执行git pull origin master,遇到如下问题: fatal: 'origin' does not appear to be a git repository fatal: Could not read from remote repository. 为何又出现了这...
8、远程同步 # 下载远程仓库的所有变动 $ git fetch [remote] # 显示所有远程仓库 $ git remote -v # 显示某个远程仓库的信息 $ git remote show [remote] # 增加一个新的远程仓库,并命名 $ git remote add [shortname] [url] # 取回远程仓库的变化,并与本地分支合并 $ git pull [remote] [branch]...
If set, search for pull requests that have this identity as a reviewer. searchCriteria.sourceRefName query string If set, search for pull requests from this branch. searchCriteria.sourceRepositoryId query string uuid If set, search for pull requests whose source branch is in this repos...
项目右键 => Git => Repository => Pull...(如图3-3-1),弹出弹框(如图3-3-2),点击Pull。 图3-3-1 图3-3-2 3.4. 提交文件 1) 新建文件,红色字体,右键 => Git => Add,如图3-4-1: 图3-4-1 2) 绿色字体,文件右键 => Git => Commit File...(如图3-4-2),弹出弹框(如图3-4-3),...
There you’ll see buttons designed to work with Visual Studio Team Services repos, such as Pull Requests, Work Items and Builds. The process of cloning a remote repo is very similar if you’re cloning from GitHub. If you have a private repo hosted on GitHub, then y...
找到本地仓库文件夹,在.git 路径下,找到config文件, 进去修改 [core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = false bare = false logallrefupdates = true ignorecase = true [remote "origin"] url ='x'x/aaa.git fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* ...
git pull(拉取):拉取远程仓库的代码到工作区 2、初始化一个本地仓库并推送到远程仓库 2.1、初始化本地仓库 我们创建一个文件夹,使用git init命令创建一个本地仓库。 lng@DESKTOP-9TD21KL MINGW64 ~/Desktop/first $ git init Initialized empty Git repository in C:/Users/lng/Desktop/first/.git/ ...
# 绑定后, 就可以通过git pull拉代码, 通过git push推送代码 # 而不必使用git pull origin master拉代码, 不必使用git push origin master推送代码 3 拉取代码 3.1 首次拉取代码 1)克隆代码 # 下载一个项目和它的整个代码历史 git clone [repository_url] ...
Mirror of the official PostgreSQL GIT repository. Note that this is just a *mirror* - we don't work with pull requests on github. To contribute, please see - postgres/postgres