git解决冲突的正确姿势:解决冲突之后,需要提交commit到本地,然后观察下行箭头,如果减少说明提交是OK的减少了需要pull的对象;如果没有修改完全部的冲突,PUSH是还是报冲突异常,只有全部的冲突都解决了,提交才顺利。 .class文件的冲突后,override之后,提交后仍然是冲突,但是pull一下之后,就OK了。这类(Override)冲突不是...
或:git branch [<选项>] [-r| -a] [--format]#通用选项-v,--verbose#显示哈希值和主题,若参数出现两次则显示上游分支-q,--quiet#不显示信息-t,--track#设置跟踪模式(参见 git-pull(1))-u,--set-upstream-to<上游>#改变上游信息--unset-upstream#取消上游信息的设置--color[=<何时>]#使用彩色输出...
Without this option, git pull defaults to merge the first refspec fetched. Specify multiple values to get an octopus merge. If you wish to setup git pull so that it merges into <name> from another branch in the local repository, you can point branch.<name>.merge to the desired branch, ...
Then "git pull" will fetch and replay the changes from the remotemasterbranch since it diverged from the localmaster(i.e.,E) until its current commit (C) on top ofmasterand record the result in a new commit along with the names of the two parent commits and a log message from the ...
当前使用仓库的 Git 目录中的 config 文件(即 .git/config):针对该仓库。你可以传递 --local 选项让 Git 强制读写此文件,虽然默认情况下用的就是它。 每一个级别会覆盖上一级别的配置,所以 .git/config 的配置变量会覆盖 /etc/gitconfig 中的配置变量。
$ git remote show origin * remote origin Fetch URL: Push URL: HEAD branch: master Remote branches: master tracked dev-branch tracked Local branch configuredfor'git pull': master merges with remote master Local ref configured...
git pull origin develop # 先下载 git checkout -b release-0.1.0 develop release合并 git checkout master git merge --no-ff release-0.1.0 git push 打标签 git tag v0.1.0 git push origin v0.1.0 hotfix git checkout -b hotfix-0.1.1 master vim git add git commit -...
Local ref configured for 'git push': master pushes to master (up to date) 它同样会列出远程仓库的 URL 与跟踪分支的信息。 这些信息非常有用,它告诉你正处于 master 分支,并且如果运行 git pull, 就会抓取所有的远程引用,然后将远程 master 分支合并到本地 master 分支。 它也会列出拉取到的所有远程引用...
#git pull origin master $ git add.#添加修改的文件 $ git commit-m"Project first commit"$ git push-u origin master #上传更改到远程服务器 把本地master分支的最新修改推送至GitHub,现在你就拥有了真正的分布式版本库! 方式2:(远程仓库已有项目开发代码,本地进行拉取-远程库克隆) ...
'v2.26.0-rc0' tag and the 'master' branch that the tag points at: url = url = git:// url = New contributors whose contributions weren't in v2.25.0 are as follows. ...