2、Command 目录操作 进程管理 参考资料 1、Git 更新代码到本地 git fetch origin dev(远程): dev(本地) 把需要更新的远程dev仓库fetch到本地的dev git fetch --all 将远程的最新内容拉到本地 git merge <branch> 当前分支与<branch>分支合并 git pull 执行命令进行更新文件的下载覆盖,会列出哪些文件进行了...
git add # 将工作区的修改提交到暂存区 git commit # 将暂存区的修改提交到当前分支 git reset # 回退到某一个版本 git stash # 保存某次修改 git pull # 从远程更新代码 git push # 将本地代码更新到远程分支上 git reflog # 查看历史命令 git status # 查看当前仓库的状态 git diff # 查看修改 git ...
git执行pull命令时,报错 git图形界面文章分类后端开发 在图形界面中,执行拉取操作时,出现下面的错误。 You asked to pull from the remote 'origin', but did not specify a branch. Because this is not the default configured remote for your current branch, you must specify a branch on the command lin...
git执行pull命令时,报错 在图形界面中,执行拉取操作时,出现下面的错误。 You asked to pull from the remote 'origin', but did not specify a branch. Because this is not the default configured remote for your current branch, you must specify a branch on the command line. 解决方法: 修改:.git/c...
git pull:从远端服务器同步内容到工作区,同时merge 【少用】 git fetch :从远端服务器同步内容到工作区 git merge branch:把分支branch merge到所在的分支上 git mv old-filename new-filename : 移动或重命名文件 git rm filename: 从工作目录和 Git 代码索引中删除文件 ...
Let’s delve deeper into the world of Git by unpacking thegit pullcommand. In Git,git pullis a command that refreshes your current local working branch with the latest updates from its corresponding remote branch. For example, when you execute: ...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于git pull 命令的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及git pull 命令问答内容。更多git pull 命令相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
git <command> -h,git <command> --help git branch git checkout -h git clone -h git commit -h git config git difftool git ls-files git merge -h git pull -h git push -h git remote查看远程路径 git reset git status 使用git 命令行?还是 GUI 工具?
git pull 'remote_name' 'branch_name' The git pull command is a combination of git fetch which fetches the recent commits in the local repository and git merge, which will merge the branch from a remote to a local branch. Also, remote_name is the repository name and branch_name is the...
Incorporates changes from the named commits (since the time their histories diverged from the current branch) into the current branch. This command is used by git pull to incorporate changes from another repository and can be used by hand to merge changes from one branch into another. ...