repo init -u -b OpenHarmony-4.1-Release --no-repo-verify repo sync -c repo forall -c 'git lfs pull' 执行这个repo forall -c 'git lfs pull' 报如下错如何解决 Error updating the git index: error: code/BasicFeature/DeviceManagement/DeviceManagementCollecti...
repo:Git 仓库。 directory:本地目录。 git config git 的设置使用 git config 命令。 显示当前的 git 配置信息: gitconfig--listcredential.helper=osxkeychaincore.repositoryformatversion=0core.filemode=truecore.bare=falsecore.logallrefupdates=truecore.ignorecase=truecore.precomposeunicode=true ...
基本操作流程:使用git config、git init、git clone、git add、git commit和git push等命令进行代码管理。 查看和同步代码:通过git log查看提交历史,git show显示特定提交的修改内容,git pull用于同步本地仓库与远程仓库的最新更改。 避免冲突:git pull与git rebase结合使用,确保每次推送前代码都保持...
The merge mechanism (git mergeandgit pullcommands) allows the backendmerge strategiesto be chosen with-soption. Some strategies can also take their own options, which can be passed by giving-Xarguments togit mergeand/orgit pull. ort This...
官方解释是:Pull requests let you tell others about changes you've pushed to a branch in a...
gitpull Star Here are 12 public repositories matching this topic... Language: All Sort: Most stars aceberg / git-syr Star 21 Code Issues Pull requests Sync Your Repos - pull or push your git repos regularly. For dotfiles backups or note taking in git repo sync automation deb selfhosted...
1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) create mode 100644 <some file> 克隆版本库 prompt>git clone <repository url Initialize repo/.git Initialized empty Git repository in /work/<remote repository>/.git/ 将目录中的内容纳入Git版本控制 ...
git push -u origin master命令中-u是 --set-upstream 参数的简写形式,一般用于在本地新建了一个分支之后想将其同步到远程仓库时,执行 git push 指令加上 -u 参数就建立了一个本地新建分支与远程分支之间的映射关系,这样在之后执行 git pull 时才可以将远程仓库中同名分支上的修改 merge 到本地当前分支中。
Mirror of the official PostgreSQL GIT repository. Note that this is just a *mirror* - we don't work with pull requests on github. To contribute, please see - postgres/postgres