常用命令 这部分我们会以应对日常开发工作为目标,按必要性进行选取介绍,所以我们不会介绍git pull、git rebase 这一类具有一定风险性的操作。 初始化 • git init 当在本地电脑找到项目拟管理的目录后,在该目录打开gitbash,执行git init将初始化该目录,将创建一个名为 .git 的子目录,这个子目录含有你初始化...
After the clone, a plaingit fetchwithout arguments will update all the remote-tracking branches, and agit pullwithout arguments will in addition merge the remote master branch into the current master branch, if any (this is untrue when--single-branchis given; see below). ...
Most configuration options are respected regardless of the scope it is defined in, but some options are only respected in certain scopes. See the respective option’s documentation for the full details. Protected configuration Protected configuration refers to the system, global, and command scopes. ...
4.拉取 git pull 5.推送 git push Git 分支 1.创建分支命令 git branch 2.切换分支命令 git checkout 3.合并分支命令 git merge 4.删除分支 git branch -d 5.分支列表 git branch 5.重命名分支 git branch -M git rebase 变基 1.介绍 2.原理 3.命令 Git 标签 1.添加标签 2.提交标签到远程仓库...
File system data will be read in bulk and cached in memory for certain operations("core.fscache" is set to "true"). This provides a significant performance boost. 启用文件系统缓存 将批量读取文件系统数据并将其缓存在内存中以进行某些操作("core.fscache” 设置为 "true")。
You can tell Git not to track certain files in your project by adding and configuring a .gitignore file. Entries in a .gitignore file apply only to untracked files. They don't prevent Git from reporting changes to tracked files. Tracked files are files that were committed and exist in ...
After runninggit lfs track, you'll notice a new file named.gitattributesin the directory you ran the command from..gitattributesis a Git mechanism for binding special behaviors to certain file patterns. Git LFS automatically creates or updates.gitattributesfiles to bind tracked file patterns to the...
Git works by checking for changes to files within a certain folder. We'll create a folder to serve as our working tree (project directory) and let Git know about it, so it can start tracking changes. We tell Git to start tracking changes by initializing a Git repository into that folder...
Modification apportée dans une demande de tirage ( pull request).Extends GitChange PropriétésDévelopper le tableau changeTrackingId ID utilisé pour suivre les fichiers via plusieurs modifications.Propriétés héritéesDévelopper le tableau
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