% git config set --append core.gitproxy '"proxy-command" for example.com' An example to use customized color from the configuration in your script: #!/bin/sh WS=$(git config get --type=color --default="blue reverse" color.diff.whitespace) RESET=$(git config get --type=color --de...
By default, when tracing is activated, Git redacts the values of cookies, the "Authorization:" header, the "Proxy-Authorization:" header and packfile URIs. Set this Boolean environment variable to false to prevent this redaction. GIT_NO_REPLACE_OBJECTS ...
Below is the one which I was added later I am getting Unsupported proxy syntax in '12345@': No host part in the URL Below line was added as proxy http.proxy=http://username:passowrd@12345@ I am trying below command to remove. Please suggest how to remove it? >git config --unset...
通过命令升级的时候可能半天没反应,最后提示你using proxy as per lookup,如图所示: 2. Git 乱码问题解决方案 以下操作基于 win10。 这个问题有点奇怪,直接使用Git Bash是不会出现乱码的,但是使用windows terminal后,在git log的时候中文会显示为八进制。你的问题可能和我不一样,也许是git commit或者git status的...
git config https.proxy git config http.proxy //取消http代理或者vpn设置 git config --unset http.proxy git config --unset https.proxy //把c:/mywork(记得换成你自己的目录哦)设为安全目录 git config --global --add safe.directory c:/mywork //所有目录都是安全...
impala_shell.sh - shortens impala-shell command to connect to Impala by parsing the Hadoop topology map and selecting a random datanode to connect to its Impalad, acting as a cheap CLI load balancer. For a real load balancer see HAProxy config for Impala (and many other Big Data & NoSQL...
# 为了更好的push到github,配置代理 export http_proxy= export https_proxy= # 方便cd 进 hexo alias blog='cd /e/blog' # hexo 博客发布,num run是package.json中script list配置的别名 alias dev='npm run v' alias publish='npm run p' # 配置tree...
The maximum file size for an image cached in the Dependency Proxy varies by file type: Image blob: 5 GB Image manifest: 10 MB Maximum number of assignees and reviewers History Issues and merge requests enforce these maximums: Maximum assignees: 200 Maximum reviewers: 200 ...
static struct child_process *git_proxy_connect(int fd[2], char *host) { const char *port = STR(DEFAULT_GIT_PORT); struct child_process *proxy; get_host_and_port(&host, &port); if (looks_like_command_line_option(host))
git config --global https.proxy ""## 取消git config --global --unset http.proxy git config --global --unset https.proxy 为GitHub指定socket5代理 ## 设置git config --global http.https://github.com.proxy 'socks5://'## 取消git config --global --un...