git branch <name_of_the_backup_branck> Powered By Replacing <name_of_the_backup_branch> with the name you want the backup branch to have. Putting it all together, we can override all local changes from a given branch with the latest remote version by doing the following: git fetch git...
git branch <name_of_the_backup_branck> Powered By Replacing <name_of_the_backup_branch> with the name you want the backup branch to have. Putting it all together, we can override all local changes from a given branch with the latest remote version by doing the following: git fetch git...
使用git branch -vv 可以查看本地分支和远程分支的关联关系 使用命令git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/远程分支的名字 本地分支的名字 D:\Development\Rongzi.RZR.MI (develop) $ git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/develop develop Branch develop set up to track remote branch develop from origin. D...
non-fast-forward问题本质原因是版本问题;pull的本质是拉取最新版本,然后和本地文件做合并;所以解决的根本方式是将本地的版本提升到最高改版;所以如果是冲突,则解决冲突(marke as merge就是将本地版本提高到高于Remote Repository);如果没有冲突,则说明本地版本比较旧(但是本地的旧版本并没有修改),则需要解决的是...
当前使用仓库的 Git 目录中的 config 文件(即 .git/config):针对该仓库。你可以传递 --local 选项让 Git 强制读写此文件,虽然默认情况下用的就是它。 每一个级别会覆盖上一级别的配置,所以 .git/config 的配置变量会覆盖 /etc/gitconfig 中的配置变量。
--separate-git-dir<gitdir>#覆盖初始分支的名称/override the name of the initial branch -b, --initial-branch<name>#指定要使用的哈希算法/specify the hash algorithm to use --object-format<hash># git-init - 创建一个空的 Git 存储库或重新初始化一个现有的存储库 ...
# Core variables [core] ; Don't trust file modes filemode = false # Our diff algorithm [diff] external = /usr/local/bin/diff-wrapper renames = true [branch "devel"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/devel # Proxy settings [core] gitProxy="ssh" for "" gitProxy=default-...
[branch "master"] #本地分支 remote = origin # 指定上传的远程库 merge = refs/heads/master [alias] #别名就在[alias]后面,要删除别名,直接把对应的行删掉即可。 last = log -1 而当前用户的Git配置文件放在用户主目录下的一个隐藏文件.gitconfig中,配置别名也可以直接修改这个文件,如果改错了可以删掉文件...
* "git clone" tries to locally check out the branch pointed at by HEAD of the remote repository after it is done, but the protocol did not convey the information necessary to do so when copying an empty repository. The protocol v2 learned how to do so. ...
'v2.33.0-rc2' tag and the 'master' branch that the tag points at: url = url = url = git:// url = ...