GPG-sign commits. Thekeyidargument is optional and defaults to the committer identity; if specified, it must be stuck to the option without a space.--no-gpg-signis useful to countermand bothcommit.gpgSignconfiguration variable, and earlier--gpg-sign. ...
Reapply commits on top of another base tip git-reset[1] Reset current HEAD to the specified state git-restore[1] Restore working tree files git-revert[1] Revert some existing commits git-rm[1] Remove files from the working tree and from the index git-shortlog[1] Summarize...
The latest Insiders release contains a new "Source Control Sync" experimental view that can be enabled by toggling the scm.experimental.showSyncView setting. This new view displays incoming/outgoing changes for the current branch compare...
The first thing you’ll notice in the Git Repository window is the permanent home for the list of Incoming and Outgoing commits. You can now access these sections from the status bar and keyboard shortcut Ctrl+0+Y. The sections give you an overview of all the commits that are yet to be...
Open the Sync view in Team Explorer and select Publish under Outgoing Commits From the Git menu on the menu bar, select Commit or Stash to view Git Changes. Select the Push arrowSynchronize your local branch with a remote branch, pushing your local changes and pulling remote ones git pull ...
git-outgoingMichael Markert'sdotfilesShow commits that are on the local branch that have not been pushed to the tracking branch. git-overwrittenMislav Marohnić'sdotfilesAggregatesgit blameinformation about original owners of lines changed or removed in the '...' diff. ...
Manage incoming and outgoing commits with fetch, pull, and push operations on the Commits page. Branches page Create, merge, and publish branches on the Branches page. Other features Compare files using the integrated diff tool Resolve merge conflicts using the integrated 3-way merge tool ...
The indicator also functions as a link to take you to the commit history of that branch in theGit Repositorywindow. The top of the history now displays the details of these incoming and outgoing commits. From here, you can also decide to Pull or Push the commits. ...
TheGitbranches popup indicates the number of incoming commits that have not yet been fetched (blue arrow icon next to the branch name) and the number of outgoing commits (green arrow icon next to the branch name). Fetch changes
The commit that you cherry-picked appears in the Outgoing section.To learn more about cherry-picking commits, see the Git webpage for the cherry-pick command.Revert changesUse the revert command to undo the changes made in commits pushed to shared branches. The revert command creates a new ...