笨重的大象准备跳舞 2015年4月末,一篇带有“感叹号”的博客由官方发出《GitLab on Raspberry Pi 2!》,一直被诟病吃 CPU、内存的 GitLab 可以跑在树莓派上了,随后官方开启了高频软件更新迭代。 第一阶段:开始支持 CI 功能,使用自动化方式提升效率 在同年的6月末,发布了极具战略意义的重要版本GitLab v7.12,这个...
https://www.instructables.com/id/GitPi-A-Private-Git-Server-on-Raspberry-Pi/ https://www.runoob.com/manual/git-guide/
1. 开始安装Raspberry Pi Gitea,首先切换到之前创建的 "git "用户,我将在其中执行接下来的几个步骤。 切换到这个用户,在的Raspberry Pi上使用以下命令。 sudo su git 1. 如果因为某些原因,你无法通过SSH访问你的Raspberry Pi,你可以物理连接键盘和鼠标来恢复PasswordAuthentication的设置。 2. 现在进入Git用户的主...
In order to run GitLab Community Edition on a Raspberry Pi, you need the newest Pi 4 with at least 4GB of RAM for best results. You might be able to run GitLab on lower resources, like a Pi 2 or newer, but it is not recommended. We do not package for older Pis, as their CPU...
cd ~ git clone http://raspberrypi/root/pimylifeup.git cd pimylifeupCopy 9. Now that we have cloned the repository, let’s create our first file and commit it. This command will create an empty file named Readme, but this should give you an idea on how to commit files. To add ...
Raspberry Pi SD Card Image Manager. Contribute to gitbls/sdm development by creating an account on GitHub.
RaspberryPi 内网地址为: 网上搜索FileZilla,下载并安装,新建连接,协议选择 SFTP,即通过SSH传输文件。主机填入树莓派内网地址,用户名密码与之前的一致: pi 和 raspberry 连接之后选择要上传的安装包, xxxx-linux-arm.tar.gz,虽然树莓派使用armv8的64位 cpu,但现在官方发布的系统都是32位的,也就是用...
It will take you through all the steps to getting your very own Raspberry Pi GIT server up and going. If you like the video, then please make sure you subscribe, so you stay up to date on all our future projects. Adblock removing the video? Subscribe to premium for no-ads. Installing...
Please create an issue if it is even a little bit slow on your machine (as long as your machine is at least as fast as a Raspberry Pi 3). Terminal settings Konsole Untick the Flow control option in the profile settings, to ensure that ctrl-s will never freeze the terminal. About the...