1:git rebase --abort 2:git checkout master 3:git rebase origin/master 注意此处, 此处有可能会出现冲突,出现冲突的话,先改正冲突,并通过git add 命令添加到添加到git 中,这样就可以执行第4部了,否则,可能又会出现 not ont branch的错误了。 4:git rebase --continue 这样就大功告成了,。你可以git st...
git错误Youarenotcurrentlyonabranch的解决办法今天使⽤git pull和git push命令,分别报错:You are not currently on a branch, so I cannot use any 'branch.<branchname>.merge' in your configuration file.Please specify which remote branch you want to use on the command line and try again (e.g....
You are not currently on a branch, so I cannot use any'branch.<branchname>.merge'inyour configuration file. Please specifywhichremote branch you want to use on thecommandline and try again (e.g.'git pull <repository> <refspec>'). See git-pull(1)fordetails. fatal: You are not current...
git not currently on any branch 先说自己出现这个问题的原因吧: 由于网络问题,git pull ,git push 结果出现了问题,但是由于网络,有些错误也没能够及时返回。这种错误也遇到过多次,今天经过多次尝试终于把问题解决了。 步骤如下: git rebase --abort 2: git checkout master 3: git rebase origin/master 注意...
远程引用是对远程仓库的引用(指针),包括分支、标签等等。 你可以通过 git ls-remote (remote)来显...
即Not currently on any branch.那现在我们怎么切换到分支并提交代码呢。 什么叫no branch:即游离状态,HEAD指针没有指向任何分支,而是直接指向一个commit对象。 第一步: git reflog 找到需要恢复的commit ,记下前面的commit id git branch temp 312f7d7 新建一个名字叫temp的分支,用这个分支代替之前的临时分支并且...
在想拉取最新的git代码时提示要输入远端分支。具体提示见以下: [root@cn-hxh-ope gamecode]# git pull You are not currently on a branch. Please specify which branch you want to merge with. See git-pull(1) for details. git pull <remote> <branch> ...
在想拉取最新的git代码时提示要输入远端分支。具体提示见以下: [root@cn-hxh-ope gamecode]#git pullYou arenotcurrently on a branch. Please specify which branch you want to merge with. See git-pull(1)fordetails. git pull<remote> <branch> ...
$ git pull Youarenotcurrentlyonabranch, so I cannot use any 'branch.<branchname>.merge' in your configuration file. Please specify which remotebranchyou want to useonthe command line and try again (e.g. 'git pull <repository> <refspec>'). ...
场景 本身代码在git上, 公司要求再放到svn上, 复制了代码, 导致git找不到master,git push的时候出现以下错误 // 错误代码fatal:Youare not currently on a branch.Topush the history leading to the current(detached HEAD)state now,use git push origin HEAD:<name-of-remote-branch> ...