一、找到“默认用户设置” 二、找到Git菜单选项打开 三、找到“git.path”,会发现后面路径为null 四、在右边设置git.path (另外直接复制路径的小伙伴注意下:路径的斜杠,“\”要更改为“/”) 五、保存。然后重新打开。完成。
代码语言:javascript 复制 Lookingforgitin:C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git.exe Lookingforgitin:C:\ProgramFiles(x86)\Git\cmd\git.exe Lookingforgitin:C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git.exe Lookingforgitin:C:\Users\rtt\AppData\Local\Programs\Git\cmd\git.exe Git installation not found. 问题的原因 VS...
可能在用某些与git相关的功能时,如安装了GitLens插件以为可以使用了但push时却报错Error: command 'git.push' not found。 此时需要优先检查Git插件(是vscode的内置扩展插件)是否被禁用。 在插件栏搜索:@builtin 找到Git插件并确认它正常启用。 随后其他关联功能应该可以正常启用。 排除此问题后如果还有问题,则需要进...
1. **检查 VSCode 设置**:确保 `settings.json` 中的 `"git.path": "/bin/git"` 设置正确无...
总是提示:Git is not found in current environment 但是我已经在setting.json下设置了"git.path": "/bin/git" 同行,命令行里查看git版本和路径都是可以的。为什么还是不行呢? ESP_Gargamel Posts:787 Joined:Wed Nov 14, 2018 8:45 am Re: ubuntu下的vscode插件安装idf时,总是找不到git ...
VSCode Version: 1.15.1 OS Version: Windows 7 Steps to Reproduce: Ctrl + Shift + p > Git clone Reproduces without extensions: Yes I tried to set the default git path for vscode, because i have it installed on a usb drive. Thats my start c...
Description Encountered an error within the Git extension for Visual Studio Code, where a relative path for a Git-managed file could not be found. The error specifically occurred while attempting to locate static/coins-logo/eth.png, whic...
设置 组合键 Ctrl + , 打开设置,搜索 Shell: Windows 打开 settings.json 配置文件,尾部添加这一行...
Webpack 4 : ERROR in Entry module not found: Error: Can't resolve './src' 2019-12-14 08:54 − ERROR in Entry module not found: Error: Can’t resolve ‘./src’ in ‘E:\ASUS\Documen... Ep流苏 0 14026 ERROR in Cannot find module 'node-sass'(已解决 2019-12-11 14:33...
.vscodeAdd documentation linters to VS Code plugin recommendations 4 months ago appMerge branch 'jc/confidential-icon-min-size' into 'master' 17 minutes ago binFix pngquant script by requiring logger 3 weeks ago buildsAdd missing builds/ folder to fix backup tests ...