git excutable file not found in %path% 在执行go get 时报错 把git的bin路径放入path即可C:\Program Files\Git\bin 你不能把坏习惯扔出窗外 但你可以一步步赶下电梯
export PATH="/usr/local/git/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/mysql/bin:$PATH" Added the path to /etc/launchd.conf: setenv PATH /usr/local/git/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin The error message even shows that Sublime knows the location of the corre...
Error: 'git' not in PATH(nim学习系列) 某日在一台windows 7 上安装nim lang,然后安装第一个包就报错了。 C:\Users\user>nimble install winim--verboseReading official package list Downloading Error:'git'notinPATH. 随后全盘搜索也没发现“git.exe”,只能重新...
成功解决ERROR: Cannot find command 'git' - do you have 'git' installed and in your PATH? 解决问题 ERROR: Cannot find command 'git' - do you have 'git' installed and in your PATH? 解决思路 错误:找不到命令'git' -你有'git'安装和在你的路径? 解决方法 需要安装Git,教程如下所示 参考文...
参考官网博客: 在配置环境中,执行flutter doctor时,碰到这类问题unable to find git in your path,flutter的bin也配置了,git的也配置了,还是出现这个问题。 解决方法 环境变量path配置看有没有C:\Windows\System32,加入后重启。 我是在个人环境变量中配置的。
PHP is not being blocked. It is talking to the shell, which returns error code 127 (command not found). So eithergitis not installed, or it is not in yourPATH(and the shell cannot find it), which is what the runtime exception is telling you. ...
I have a makefile in my go project. So when I right click project, run -> go build ... I get the following errors: GOROOT=C:\Go #gosetup GOPATH=C:\tools\Cmder\vendor\git-for-windows\cmd;C:\Users\myuser\go #gosetup C:\Go\bin\go.exe test -...
Flutter doctor报错Error: Unable to find git in your PATH. git config --global --add '*'
go:370: starting container process caused: exec: "gitlab-runner-build": executable file not found in $PATH: unknown (exec.go:57:0s). Check for more information 因为在 environment中 扩展了 PATH 而导致 gitlab-runner-...
Respect include.* directives in config files when looking up values. Defaults to off when a specific file is given (e.g., using --file, --global, etc) and on when searching all config files. --default <value> When using get, and the requested variable is not found, behave as if ...