背景 在使用eclipse时,使用git commit 提交代码时,出项如下错误 解决方法 在工程目录下找到 .git 文件夹 ,找到里面的 index.lock 文件,然后删掉这个文件就可以了,如下图
If this option is specified together with --amend, then no paths need to be specified, which can be used to amend the last commit without committing changes that have already been staged. If used together with --allow-empty paths are also not required, and an empty commit will be created...
only in the index but not in the working tree, to that of the last commit withgit reset HEAD -- <file>, which effectively revertsgit addand prevents the changes to this file from participating
1.问题描述 今天使用git提交代码时,发现有两个第三方包项目总是不能push到远程仓库,随后通过git命令查看了一下,如下图: 提示Changesnotstagedforcommit。查看... name>,添加到本地仓库后。再使用commit,于是就成功解决啦。commit是成功了,但是push的时候,却发生了另外一个连接超时问题,请参考我的另一篇博文:Git...
"test", "build", "ci", "chore", "revert"], "scope": { "required": false, "allowed": ["*"], "validate": false, "multiple": false }, "warnOnFail": false, "maxSubjectLength": 100, "subjectPattern": ".+", "subjectPatternErrorMsg": "subject does not match subject pattern!",...
Time Travel in Your Project: Undo Changes with Git In life, undoing our mistakes is something we've always wished was possible. While life might not always present us with a chance to undo our mistakes, Git provides us ample opportunities to do just that. Lucky us! Undoing things in Git...
git commit not Execute yarn lint Yarn run v1.3.2 $ eslint --ext .js src mock tests && npm run lint:style E:\developer\work_test\ant-design-pro\src\routes\Dashboard\Analysis.js 255:34 warning Dangerous property 'dangerouslySetInnerHTML' found react/no-danger ...
in which case this option can be omitted. If this option is specified together with--amend, then no paths need to be specified, which can be used to amend the last commit without committing changes that have already been staged. If used together with--allow-emptypaths are also not required...
What's the process for deleting7235ac29and committing the file usinghibernate.cfg.xmlfile change ? Is it possible ? Solution: Once changes have been pushed, it is not advisable to eliminate the commit from the history. However, you may still discard the modifications. ...
# Changes to be committed: # (use “git reset HEAD <file>...” to unstage) # # modified: Rakefile # # Changed but not updated: # (use “git add <file>...” to update what will be committed) # # modified: README # modified: lib/simplegit.rb ...