的commit id。Git提供了一个命令git reflog 用来记录你的每一次命令: $ git reflogea34578 HEAD@{0}: reset: moving to HEAD^3628164 HEAD@{1}: commit: append GPLea34578 HEAD@{2}: commit: add distributedcb926e7 HEAD@{3}: commit (initial): wrote a readme file 终于舒了口气,第二行显示appen...
move HEAD to specific commit reference, index and staging are untouched. git reset--hard unstage files AND undo any changesinthe working directory since last commit. 使用git reset —hard HEAD进行reset,即上次提交之后,所有staged的改动和工作目录的改动都会消失,还原到上次提交的状态. 这里的HEAD可以被写...
move HEAD to specific commit reference, index and staging are untouched. git reset --hard unstage files AND undo any changes in the working directory since last commit. 使用git reset —hard HEAD进行reset,即上次提交之后,所有staged的改动和工作目录的改动都会消失,还原到上次提交的状态. 这里的HEAD可以...
如上可以看到,文件已经从本地仓库回退到了暂存区中(已add未commit),达到了撤回已提交文件的目的。 使用--mixed 模式进行撤回->工作区 ➜ learn_git git:(master) git reset --mixed HEAD~ ➜ learn_git git:(master) ✗ git status On branch master Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master...
commit-graph.h commit-reach.c commit-reach.h commit-slab-decl.h commit-slab-impl.h commit-slab.h commit.c commit.h common-main.c config.c config.h config.mak.dev config.mak.in config.mak.uname configure.ac connect.c connect.h connected.c connected.h convert...
each objects identified by SHA-1 id: e.g.ef331ee refs: reference (branch, head) murtable notes to commits git commit: adds commit node to DAG and moverefsforward to it HEAD: specialrefsto current active branch // a file is a bunch of bytestypeblob=array<byte>// a directory contains...
继承自GitCommitRef.commitTooManyChangesparents 此提交的父提交 ID 的枚举。 TypeScript 复制 parents: string[] 属性值 string[] 继承自GitCommitRef.parentspush 与此提交关联的推送。 TypeScript 复制 push: GitPushRef 属性值 GitPushRef 继承自GitCommitRef.push 的remote...
git checkout commit_id b. 基于当前的commit_id,创建新的分支 git checkout -b new_branch_name c.推送到远程 git push -u origin new_branch_name 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 2) 当前分支代码回滚到指定commit节点 a. 使用当前head,创建新分支 new_branch_name ...
-d--delete:删除-D--delete--force 的快捷键-f--force:强制-m--move:移动或重命名-M--move--force 的快捷键-r--remote:远程-a--all:所有 本地提交代码到远程 // 添加所有本地代码变更到暂存区gitadd.// 提交本次变更到本地代码库git commit-m"feat:修改了功能"// 推送本地更改历史到远程git push...
commitBeforeMerge Shown when git-merge[1] refuses to merge to avoid overwriting local changes. detachedHead Shown when the user uses git-switch[1] or git-checkout[1] to move to the detached HEAD state, to tell the user how to create a local branch after the fact. diverging Shown ...