$ git commit --amend --message="modify message by daodaotest" --author="XXX <XXX@163.com>" $ git rebase --continue # 中间也可跳过或退出 rebase 模式 $ git rebase --skip $ git rebase --abort 批量修改历史 commit 信息 创建批量脚本changeCommit.sh: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12...
$ git rebase -i # vi 下,找到需要修改的 commit 记录,```pick``` 修改为 ```edit``` 或 ```e```,```:wq``` 保存退出 # 重复执行如下命令直到完成 $ git commit --amend --message="modify message by daodaotest" --author="jiangliheng <jiang_liheng@163.com>" $ git rebase --continue...
Changing author info - GitHub Help 本文会经常更新,请阅读原文:https://blog.walterlv.com/post/modify-author-info-of-the-whole-git-history.html,以避免陈旧错误知识的误导,同时有更好的阅读体验。 本作品采用知识共享署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 4.0 国际许可协议进行许可。欢迎转载、使用、重新发布,但务...
This filter may be used if you only need to modify the environment in which the commit will be performed. Specifically, you might want to rewrite the author/committer name/email/time environment variables (seegit-commit-tree[1]for details). The--env-filteroption can be used to modify commit...
$ git commit--amend--message="modify message by daodaotest"# 仅修改 author 信息 $ git commit--amend--author="jiangliheng <jiang_liheng@163.com>" 修改历史提交 commit 的信息 操作步骤: git rebase -i列出 commit 列表 找到需要修改的 commit 记录,把pick修改为edit或e,:wq保存退出 ...
This filter may be used if you only need to modify the environment in which the commit will be performed. Specifically, you might want to rewrite the author/committer name/email/time environment variables (seegit-commit-tree[1]for details). ...
This filter may be used if you only need to modify the environment in which the commit will be performed. Specifically, you might want to rewrite the author/committer name/email/time environment variables. The argument is always evaluated in the shell context using the eval command (with the ...
If you simply want to modify your last commit message, that’s easy: $ git commit --amend The command above loads the previous commit message into an editor session, where you can make changes to the message, save those changes and exit. When you save and close the editor, the editor ...
In the rebase todo list, the actions of squash, fixup and amend commits are changed frompicktosquash,fixuporfixup -C, respectively, and they are moved right after the commit they modify. The--interactiveoption can be used to review and edit the todo list before proceeding. ...
Modified: 文件已修改,仅仅是修改,并没有进行其他的操作. 这个文件也有两个去处, 通过git add可进入暂存staged状态, 使用discard丢弃修改部分,返回到unmodify状态。 Staged: 暂存状态,执行git commit可将修改同步到库中, 这时库中的文件和本地文件又变为一致, 文件为Unmodify状态。