第一步:仍然创建并切换dev分支: 第二步:修改readme.txt 第三步:提交一个新的commit 第四步:切换回master分支 第五步:git merge --no-ff -m "merge with no-ff" dev 因为本次合并要创建一个新的commit,所以加上-m参数,把commit描述写进去。(抱歉哈,我手抖,打错啦,commit要有意义,所以你就不要和我一...
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result. 这样操作后,会扰乱原来的 commits,就像这样 $ git log --oneline696d918f (HEAD-> feat/sentry_add_gzipped_with_compression, origin/feat/sentry_add_gzipped_with_compression) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feat/sentry_add_gzippe...
只有在开发分支上每个commit都有其独自存在的意义,并且能够编译通过的情况下(能够通过测试就更完美了),才应该选择缺省的合并方式来保留commit历史。 --no-ff Create a merge commit even when the merge resolves as a fast-forward. This is the default behaviour when merging an annotated (and possibly signed...
首先,关于 commit,我们可以理解为,每个 commit 会保留一个 pointer 指向它的 parent commit,并且一般我们的 commit 只有一个 parent。然而对于 merge commit 却不太一样,每个merge commit 有两个 parent,分别指向合并前的两个 commit。 # 一个 merge commit commit b20bb74e66ab0d426f2599f706c583b1698dd651 ...
Attempt to merge those changes into the files in current. If there were no conflicts, create a new commit, with two parents, current and merge. Set current (and HEAD) to point to this new commit, and update the working files for the project accordingly. ...
如果你使用git help merge,就会看到git merge的文档。 然后它提到: Then "git merge topic" will replay the changes made on the topic branch since it diverged from master (i.e., E) until its current commit (C) on top of master,and record the result in a new commit along with the names ...
git rebase -i 这里的一定要是需要合并 commit 中最旧 commit 的父 commit ID。 我们希望将 feature/user 分支的 5 个 commit 合并到一个 commit,在 git rebase 时,需要保证其中最新的一个 commit 是 pick 状态,这样我们才可以将其他 4 个 commit 合并进去。
$ git merge iss53 Auto-merging index.html CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in index.html Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result. 此时Git 做了合并,但是没有自动地创建一个新的合并提交。 Git 会暂停下来,等待你去解决合并产生的冲突。你可以在合并冲突后的任意时刻使用 git...
Also note that Git should not complain about thegit branch -d, since new-feature is now accessible from the main branch. In the event that you require a merge commit during a fast forward merge for record keeping purposes you can executegit mergewith the--no-ffoption. ...
最近在合并一个超过 10 个 commit 的大 feature 时实在不能忍,于是找了一下快速合并其他 repo 的 commit 的方法,结果还真找到了。那就是 cherry-pick + mergetool。 第一步:git cherry-pick cherry-pick 用来获得在单个提交(commit)中引入的变更,然后尝试将作为一个新的提交引入到你当前分支上。简单的说,你...