我们开启 SourceTree 并进入 Working Copy 节点,在文件清单中按下鼠标右键,这时有个 Resolve Conflicts (解决冲突) 的选单,这里你就能选择你要用我的(Mine)或是用其他人的(Theirs)来解决这个文件的冲突状态。所谓「我的」就是你当前工作目录的那个分支(master),而「他的」就是被我们指定合并进来的那个分支(hotfixe...
你可以安装以下工具中的一个来代替它:meld、opendiff、kdiff3、tkdiff、xxdiff、tortoisemerge、gvimdiff、diffuse、ecmerge、p4merge、araxis、vimdiff、emerge。 下面是使用vimdiff解决合并冲突的示例过程,基于此链接。 在终端中运行以下命令: git config merge.tool vimdiff git config merge.conflictstyle diff3 git co...
git fetch git checkout你的分支 git rebase master 在此步骤中,您将尝试使用您喜欢的IDE修复冲突 您可以按照此链接检查以解决文件中的冲突 https://help.github.com/articles/resolving-a-merge-conflict-using-the-command-line/ git add git rebase - 继续 git commit --amend git push origin HEAD:refs / ...
Decide not to merge. The only clean-ups you need are to reset the index file to theHEADcommit to reverse 2. and to clean up working tree changes made by 2. and 3.;git merge --abortcan be used for this. Resolve the conflicts. Git will mark the conflicts in the working tree. Edit...
Resolve using mine The file in your working copy is still the copy from your current branch – in other words, it was not modified by the merge attempt. To resolve the conflict and keep this file: git add somefile.dll git commit –m “My commit message for the merge” ...
Is it very obvious to me whether my changes to this file or the other branches changes to this file should “win”? If so, select the relevant “Resolve <file> Using Mine” or “Resolve <file> Using Theirs” If I need a closer look, pop it open in a code editor and check it out...
– 冲突解决:当两个分支上出现相同文件的冲突时,SVN会在命令行中提示冲突的文件,并将冲突标记为“.mine”、“.rxxx”和“.yours”。开发者需要手动解决冲突,然后使用svn resolve命令将解决冲突的文件标记为已解决。 五、Git和SVN分支的删除与回退 1. Git分支的删除与回退: ...
Below is the sample procedure to usevimdifffor resolve merge conflicts. Based on this link Step 1: Run following commands in your terminal git config merge.tool vimdiff git config merge.conflictstyle diff3 git config mergetool.prompt false ...
(<<<HEAD 到之间的内容是本地修改,到>>>origin/main是别人修改的内容),SourceTree提供了简单的解决冲突的方法,如下图,右键单击冲突文件->选择Resovle Conflicts(解决冲突)->然后选择“Lanuch External Merge Tool(启动其他合并工具)”、"Resolve Using "Mine"(使用我的版本)"、“Resolve Using "Theirs"(使用远程...
if you have merge conflicts with any of the branches you are merging in and need to hand resolve, that is an indication that the development happened in those branches were not independent after all, and you should merge two at a time, documenting how you resolved the conflicts, and the ...