默认git merge会采取第三种策略,直接将master指针移到feature的头上即可,这里不会出现一个message为“merge xxx into xxx”的commit。 回到问题发生的场景上,在feature分支上执行git merge master的时候发生了一次普通的合并,生成一个“merge xxx into xxx”的commit,由于上文说到的原因,这个commit节点没有记录diff。...
git branch <branch_name>: 创建新分支。 git checkout <branch_name>: 切换到指定分支。 git merge <branch_name>: 合并指定分支到当前分支。 远程操作: git remote: 列出远程仓库。 git remote add <name> <url>: 添加远程仓库。 git pull <remote> <branch>: 从远程仓库拉取更新。 git push <remote>...
fetch from a specific branchALLfrom a specific repository and merge it. revert the pull. garbage collect leftover objects from reverted pull. Push into another repository. satellite$ git clone mothership:frotz frotz(1)satellite$ cd frotz satellite$ git config --get-regexp '^(remote|branch)\....
You have now successfully copied somebody else’s (mine) remote repository, and checked it out. Creating a new branch Branches in Git are really nothing more than pointers into the Git object database from within the.git/refs/subdirectory, and as we already discussed, theHEADbranch is nothing...
git config mergetool.prompt false 这将把vimdiff设置为默认的合并工具。 在终端中运行以下命令。 git mergetool 您将会看到一个如下格式的vimdiff显示: ╔═══════╦══════╦════════╗ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║LOCAL ║ BASE ║ REMOTE ║ ...
By default, this is a merge: Git merges the remote branch into the local one, producing a new commit that refers to both sides of the history via its parent pointers. Another possibility is to rebase instead, which attempts to rewrite your divergent commits as new ones at the tip of the...
This makes it impossible to merge other remote branches to the current branch. log git-lfs/2.13.3 (GitHub; windows amd64; go 1.16.2; git a5e65851) git version 2.31.1.windows.1 $ git-lfs.exe filter-process Error downloading object: ... (acc168a): Smudge error: Error downloading .....
REMOTE – file you are merging into your branch MERGED – merge result, this is what gets saved in the repo 您可以使用ctrl+w在这些视图之间导航。您可以使用ctrl+w和j直接到达合并视图。 有关VimDiff导航的更多信息 步骤4。可以按以下方式编辑合并视图 ...
Push into another repository. satellite$ git clone mothership:frotz frotz (1)satellite$ cd frotzsatellite$ git config --get-regexp '^(remote|branch)\.' (2)remote.origin.url mothership:frotzremote.origin.fetch refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*branch.master.remote originbranch.master.merge refs...
# local base remote merge_result "D:\Software_install\Beyond\Beyond Compare 3\BCompare.exe" "$1" "$2" "$3" --result="$4" --title1="Mine" 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 设置环境变量 为了让Git能找到前面定义的两个sh,需要将git安装目录的cmd路径设置为环境变量,例如我的cmd路径:C:\Program Files ...