But as a matter of fact, when mergingdevintomaster, the three new commits aboutfile04should be squashed into one commit. # Checkout to master$ git checkout masterSwitchedto branch'master'# Squash all changes$ git merge--squash devUpdating706ac8d..82850aeFast-forwardSquashcommit--notupdatingHE...
先来说说 git 所保存的对象。对于 git 来说, commits ,文件, branches 都是一些对象。 commits 保存的是一些文本文件之间 diff (只对文本文件来说)。所谓的 merge 就是把那些 diff 在某些 commit 点上面重播( replay )一次。可是 git 的 merge 没有直接 merge 一系列 commits 的功能。对于...
如上图,在 Merge Request 中只看到 6 个 Commits ,实际却有 7 个,而在 GitLab 的 Commits 页面也能看到 7 个。 当时束手无策。后来,关闭这个 Merge Request ,重新创建新的 Merge Request,才看到最新的 Commit 。但是再次 git commit 并 push 之后,依然看不到最新的 commit 。 这个问题影响了 Code Review...
问题:在merge PR 到主分支(master/develop/***)的时候出现错误:5 commits behind master 举例: 我现在想从feature/fix36525issue 合并到master,但是提示:5 commits behind master 解决方法: 1. 先把远程的目标分支merge到本地: 命令: git merge master ...
GitPullRequestMergeStrategy GitPullRequestQuery GitPullRequestQueryInput GitPullRequestQueryType GitPullRequestReviewFileContentInfo GitPullRequestReviewFileType GitPullRequestSearchCriteria GitPullRequestStatus GitPush GitPushEventData GitPushRef GitPushSearchCriteria GitQueryBranchStatsCriteria GitQueryCommitsCriteria...
GitPullRequestMergeStrategy GitPullRequestQuery GitPullRequestQueryInput GitPullRequestQueryType GitPullRequestReviewFileContentInfo GitPullRequestReviewFileType GitPullRequestSearchCriteria GitPullRequestStatus GitPush GitPushEventData GitPushRef GitPushSearchCriteria GitQueryBranchStatsCriteria GitQueryCommitsCriteria...
rebase是git里非常灵活的命令,我一般用rebase本地压我自己巨大的commits因为我喜欢写一个函数测一下然后再交。 但是rebase和别人协作时很容易conflicts,而且如果conflicts是和压缩后的commits其中一个commits,conflicts就直接一大串(和后面的全部冲突)。merge的话就是看起来线很混乱,但是一旦conflicts解决起来容易很多,解决...
Git needs to know your username to associate commits with an identity. If you have not set your username, CLion will prompt you to specify it when you first attempt to commit changes. Open the Terminal and execute one of the following commands: To set a name for every Git repository on ...
Git needs to know your username to associate commits with an identity. If you have not set your username, RubyMine will prompt you to specify it when you first attempt to commit changes. Open the Terminal and execute one of the following commands: To set a name for every Git repository on...