Accept Current Change Accept Coming Change Accept Both Changes Compare Changes Start Live Share Session 14、develop分支合并到master分支 14.1 切换到 master 分支,准备合并 git checkout master 14.2 将 develop 分支上的代码合并到当前 master 分支 git merge develop 14.3 如果出现代码冲突,请参考第13步解决冲突。
(except for the merge information), but do not actually make a commit, move theHEAD, or record$GIT_DIR/MERGE_HEAD(to cause the nextgit commitcommand to create a merge commit). This allows you to create a single commit on top of the current branch whose effect is the same as merging ...
This mode differs from the default in one point: always follow all parents of a merge, even if it is TREESAME to one of them. Even if more than one side of the merge has commits that are included, this does not imply that the merge itself is! In the example, we get I A B N ...
(except for the merge information), but do not actually make a commit, move theHEAD, or record$GIT_DIR/MERGE_HEAD(to cause the nextgit commitcommand to create a merge commit). This allows you to create a single commit on top of the current branch whose effect is the same as merging ...
mergeBaseCommit: GitCommitRef Waarde van eigenschap GitCommitRef overgenomen vanGitConflict.mergeBaseCommit-mergeOrigin typescript Kopiëren mergeOrigin: GitMergeOriginRef Waarde van eigenschap GitMergeOriginRef overgenomen vanGitConflict.mergeOrigin-merge...
The last thing to check before actuallystartingthe merge process is our current HEAD branch: we need to make sure that we've checked out the branch that shouldreceivethe changes. But since we just updated "master" and already performed a "git checkout master", we're good to go!
Show all 21 assets 👍1🎉4 ️3🚀1👀1 6 people reacted v3.5.1 07 Mar 21:03 github-actions v3.5.1 e237bb3 Compare v3.5.1 This release is a patch release which includes some fixes to the release process to properly build assets. It should have no user-visible changes from ...
MERGE_HEAD– The commit(s) that you’re merging into the current branch withgit merge. CHERRY_PICK_HEAD– The commit that you’re cherry-picking. These refs are all created and updated by Git when necessary. For example, Thegit pullcommand first runsgit fetch, which updates theFETCH_HEAD...
git config--globalmerge.toolkdiff3 Colored outputs Git supports colored terminal output which helps with rapidly reading Git output. You can customize your Git output to use a personalized color theme. Thegit configcommand is used to set these color values. ...