参考:https://github.com/deercoder/0-tech-notes/blob/master/Git/git_merge_local_repos.md git merge --squash ownBranch 24.git设置换行符 打开git bash,设置core.autocrlf和core.safecrlf(可不设置),建议设置autocrlf为input,safecrlf为true,同时设置你的Eclipse、IDEA等IDE的换行符为LF\n。 下面为参数说明,...
新需求或大的feature修改需要开辟新的分支,首先自己申请一个CB号(http://devjira.a.com:3080/secure/Dashboard.jspa),以此为分支号进行开发,开发测试完毕,merge到master前,需保持branch和master同步一直,参考步骤如下: git checkout master (切换到master分支) git pull (获取最新的master分支) if(has auth to ...
* "git apply -p<n> --directory=<elsewhere>" did not work well for a non-default value of n. * "git merge foo HEAD" was misparsed as an old-style invocation of the command and produced a confusing error message. As it does not specify any other branch to merge, it shouldn...
As with a fast-forward merge, you won’t normally need to specify a recursive merge. However, you can make sure Git doesn’t choose something like a fast-forward merge using the following commands and flags: gitmerge --no-ffgitmerge-srecursive<branch1><branch2> The second line uses the...
Determines the rate at which consecutive pseudo-merge bitmap groups decrease in size. Must be non-negative. This parameter can be thought of as k in the function f(n) = C * n^-k, where f(n) is the size of the `n`th group. Setting the decay rate equal to 0 will cause all gro...
git config --global merge.tool vimdiff 查看已有的配置信息 git config --list 寻求帮助 githelp 如果用了 —global 选项,那么更改的配置文件就是位于你用户主目录下的那个,以后你所有的项目都会默 认使用这里配置的用户信息。如果要在某个特定的项目中使用其他名字或者电邮,只要去掉 —global 选项重 新配置即可...
合并某分支__到当前分支__:git merge <name>删除分支:git branch -d <name>解决冲突当Git无法自动合并分支时,就必须首先解决冲突。解决冲突后,再提交,合并完成。用git log --graph命令可以看到分支合并图。分支管理策略合并分支时,加上--no-ff参数就可以用普通模式合并,合并后的历史有分支,能看出来曾经做过...
Check out the latestorigin/master(which may be newer than the base used by (2)), "merge --no-ff" the topics you newly depend on in there, and use the result of the merge(s) as the base, rebuild the series and test again. Run format-patch from the last such merges to the tip...
$ git merge --no-ff --into-name kn/ref-transaction-symref ba/zqux ... rebuild the topic ... + Then you'd just format your topic above these "preparing the ground" merges, e.g. + $ git format-patch "HEAD^{/^Merge branch 'ba/zqux'}"..HEAD + Do not forget to wr...
$ git merge https://github.com/github/hub/pull/73 > git fetch git://github.com/mislav/hub.git +refs/heads/feature:refs/remotes/mislav/feature > git merge mislav/feature --no-ff -m 'Merge pull request #73 from mislav/feature...' create $ git create [ repo created on GitHub ] >...