github git create a new repository error: src refspec main does not match any. git branch -M main root@ubuntu:~/rtems-_app# git push -u origin main -f error: src refspec main does not match any. error: failed to push some refs to''root@ubuntu:~/rt...
Revise your commit messageIf yourWorking Directoryis clean (there are not any uncommitted changes in the repository), then runninggit commit --amendwill let you provide a new commit message. Your code editor will open up and display the original commit message. Just fix a misspelling or complet...
This tutorial explains how to create a new Git repository of your website application by using the SiteGround Git Tool in Site Tools
之后登录后点击” New repository ” 如下图所示: 之后在在Repository name 填入 GitAdd(远程仓库名) ,description中填写描述”git add test”,其他保持默认设置,点击”Create repository”按钮,就成功地创建了一个新的Git仓库: 创建成功后,显示如下信息: 以上信息告诉我们可以从这个仓库克隆出新的仓库,也可以把本地...
cd OLD_REPOSITORY git push +master:master And that is all. (Note: git history preserved) I had tried the answer above and found it not specific enough as it didn't specify +master:master which is what I needed to make it work. ...
# Add all (files and directories) to the Git repository git add . # Make a commit of your file to the local repository git commit -m "Initial commit" # Show the log file git log 4.3. diff命令与commit更改 通过git diff命令,用户可以查看更改。通过改变一个文件的内容,看看git diff命令输出什...
New repository 填写信息 需要填写仓库名,描述以及是否勾选创建初始化文件等。 在本地仓库下运行命令: Mac-Pro:~kys-1$ git remoteaddorigin yourGitAddress 然后,将本地库的所有内容推送到远程库: Mac-Pro:~kys-1$ git push-u origin master 到这一步,只要本地作了提交。就可以通过命令: ...
接着绑定邮箱,用个人用户名和密码注册一个账号,进个人主页后点击右上角“+ New Repository” 命名好 repository 名后其他可以默认操作,即可生成个人账号下的一个仓库及其操作指引如下: (2)下面就以我前面写的 CMake 构建简易实例所在文件目录为例,使用 git 命令操作: 注意执行 git add . 时出现的提示: warning...
一:登录你的github账户主页,在你的Repository界面中选择“New”,进入新建Repository流程,系统会弹出新建Repository页面。 二:Repository页面,在Owner下面的列表中选择Repository的拥有者,这个一般就是自己了,在Repository name下面的文本框中输入代码库名称,同时如果有必要可以在Description下面的... ...
A Git repository, or repo, tracks changes to files within a folder. You can create any number of local Git repos on your computer, each stored in its own folder. Each Git repo that you create is independent of other Git repos, so changes you make in one repo won't affect the others...