As you work in the main branch, you make commits to record your work in that branch. Branching in Git occurs when you create a new line of development that diverges from a prior branch. You might choose to create a new branch to develop and test a new feature before adding it to ...
To create a new branch, you can select theCreate new branchoption. It creates a new branch, based on the commit of the current branch. Before you can change to another branch, you need to make sure all your changes are at least staged or committed. Otherwise, a change of branch gets ...
amend/bisect/git-tag/objects/reset/utils/bad-commit/commit-on-wrong-branch/ignore/ reverted-merge/basic-branching/commit-on-wrong-branch-2/img/pre-push/save-my-commit/basic-cleaning/configure-git/investigation/ basic-commits/detached-head/LICENSE.txt rebase-bran...
# 情况1,本地无仓库 echo "# RepositoryTest" >> git init git add git commit -m "first commit" git branch -M main git remote add origin git push -u origin main # 情况2,本地有仓库 git remote add origin
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch. If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:...
changes and commit them,and you can discard any commits you makeinthisstate without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.If you want to create anewbranchto retain commits you create,you maydoso(now or later)by using-cwiththeswitchcommand.Example:gitswitch-c ...
Remove this branch:移除分支,当有多个分支时且当前HEAD不在该分支时可用。 ②选中一个 commit 当选中一个commit时,可用的菜单如上图。 灰色说明 Diff this->selected、Diff selected ->this、 Make patch这几个需要2个commit进行对比,此时为灰色。 Return to mark、Find descendant of this and mark、Compare wi...
git branch-m|-MoldBranch newBranch ## 重命名分支,如果newBranch名字以存在,则需使用-M强制命名;否则使用-m重命名**删除远程分支**git branch-r-d origin/branch-name ## 删除branchName分支 不能再当前分支下删除,需要切换到别的分支 git push origin:branch-name ## 一定记得push ...
$ git branch -r origin/master $ git branch -a master remotes/origin/master 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 上面命令表示,本地主机的当前分支是master,远程分支是origin/master。 取回远程主机的更新以后,可以在它的基础上,使用git checkout命令创建一个新的分支。 $ git checkout -b newBrach origin/master 1...
Here is a step-by-step explanation of how to Git create branch: To create a new branch, use the command git checkout -b [branch_name], where [branch_name] is your desired name for the new branch. It will create a copy of the codebase and put you in it so that any changes m...