3)查看当前项目git配置信息(需要cd到当前仓库根目录)git config --local --list 4)配置当前项目姓名...
1b) Clone a remote repo to local git clone [repo-url] ... git add . git commit -m "commit message" git push > With this you can first create a blank git repo, clone to local and then start coding. 2) Modify the filesMake some changes, then commit them as shown in 2.1)3) ...
Examples: 0660 will make the repo read/write-able for the owner and group, but inaccessible to others (equivalent to group unless umask is e.g. 0022). 0640 is a repository that is group-readable but not group-writable. See git-init[1]. False by default. core.warnAmbiguousRefs If ...
克隆一个已创建的仓库: # 通过 SSH $ git clone ssh://user@domain.com/repo.git #通过 HTTP $ git clone http://domain.com/user/repo.git 创建一个新的本地仓库: $ git init 添加修改 添加修改到暂存区: # 把指定文件添加到暂存区 $ git add xxx # 把当前所有修改添加到暂存区 $ git add ....
gitupdate-index--assume-unchanged nbproject/project.properties and make sure it never shows as "updated" in your current repo. That means it won't ever been pushed, but it is still present in the index. (and it can be modified at will in your local working tree). ...
git tag -a v1.0, -a参数会允许你添加一些信息,即make an annotated tag. git remote: 如果你clone一个project,Git会自动将原来的url添加进来,别名就叫做:origin. git remote -v:可以看见每一个别名对应的实际url. git fetch:可以git fetch [alias]取某一个远程repo,也可以git fetch --all取到全部repo ...
$ sudo make prefix=/usr/local install 现在已经可以用 git 命令了,用 git 把 Git 项目仓库克隆到本地,以便日后随时更新: $ git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/git/git.git 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 2.配置git 设置Git的user name和email: ...
RPC failed; result=22, HTTP code = 5xx.This error can happen if you try to push a large git repository over HTTPS.Change the git configuration on the local machine to make thepostBufferbigger. For example:git config --global http.postBuffer 524288000. ...
git push <remote repo> --delete <branch> 30,git push (推) 基本命令: git push <remote name> <local branch>:<remote branch> 例:git push orange master:master #本地和远程都是master分支。 作用:把本地的修改推到远程仓库,并把相应的本地远程仓库分支更新到最新。
在本地新建一个repo,进入一个项目目录,执行git init,会初始化一个repo,并在当前文件夹下创建一个.git文件夹. git clone 获取一个url对应的远程Git repo, 创建一个local copy. 一般的格式是git clone [url]. clone下来的repo会以url最后一个斜线后面的名称命名,创建一个文件夹,如果想要指定特定的名称,可以git...